7. Get Out

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I unlocked my front door walking into the warm house. He stumbled in after me; His clothes dripping. I knew he was a jerk but kicking him out of the house in this weather, Anne was running out of ideas. He stood there shivering uncontrollably as I hurried upstairs not saying a word to him. I grabbed one of my towels and some of my dad's sweats and an old t shirt. I walked down the stairs seeing him still in standing by the door looking out of place.

"Here" I handed him the pile of fabric. "The bathroom is right down that hall first door on the left" I pointed as I spoke he just look at me confused in why I was helping him. I know he was too proud to thank me or apologize for earlier. I walked into the kitchen letting him do want ever he wanted. I poked my head into my dad's study.

"Hey daddy how's the book?" He was seated at his desk. His salt and pepper hair was sticking up in all different directions and his glasses were sliding down his nose. I giggled.

"What's so funny huh? Do I really look that bad" He smiled pushing his keyboard away. He stood stretching to each side. I nodded my head walking over to him. I gave him a small hug. "How was your first day of work?" I shrugged.

"Work was work. You know" I said causal.

"My little quarterback is growing up" He pretended to wipe a fake tear away. I slapped his shoulder.

"I have a friend over-"I stopped seeing how he would react, nothing "-So I'm going to order a pizza. You have any preferences?" He rubbed his face tiredly. He needed some sleep but I could tell he was on a roll with writing. You just get in a productive mood and can't stop.

"Deep dish?" He looked down at me.

"mmmm sounds good, I'll just fly back to Chicago and get one" I joked. If you were going to have deep dish it has to be from Chicago. They have the best. I tried it in other states and countries. It was never the same.

"Ha ha you have your mother's humor" I stuck my tongue out at him. "Just get whatever I guess" He sat down pulling his keyboard to him again. It was my cue to leave. I shut the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed the home phone and pulled myself up on the counter. I crossed my legs about to call a pizza place but stopped. I didn't know any pizza places here in the UK.

"Harry!" I yelled. I waited shaking my damp hair with my fingers. It was starting to wave. If I had known it was going to rain I wouldn't have straightened it this morning.

"I thought you weren't going to talk to me" He said walking into the kitchen in my dad's clothes. They fit him perfectly. His hair was returning to its regular curliness.

"I don't know any pizza place numbers" I said shyly. I held the phone out to him. He groaned taking it, dialing a number then shoving the phone back in my hands. He then dropped into one of the stools. He watched me as I ordered. The guy on the phone was being annoying; asking me if I wanted a second one for half off. He asked so many times I finally just said yes. He was good. When I was finally done ordering I threw the phone across the room. It didn't break thankfully. My parents would have been mad.

"Gracie you okay?" My dad called. I knew he didn't even look away from his computer screen.

"Yes dad just taking out my anger on an inanimate object. Don't worry nothings broken" I pulled myself off the counter picking up the phone, and place it back on the charger.

"You're weird" Harry mumbled. I spun around placing my hands on my hips.

"I thought we agreed no talking"

"Well you broke that one already" He shrugged picking at the imaginary fuzz on his shirt.

"You want to play some Mario cart?" I asked walking into the living room.

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