18. Rumors

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I am currently standing in my room in a blue dress.

"How about this one" I groaned. It was the fifth dress I tried on. The night before Niall let it slip that Zayn was taking me to the winter dance, Michelle freaked out. When I woke up this morning she had about twenty dresses she wanted me to try on.

"I don't like it" Niall muttered scooting closer to Liam. They were sitting on my bay window seat together. I couldn't help but awwww. Liam had an arm slung around him. They were so casual about it.

"You guys are no help! You're  gay, how are you not good with fashion" I was at the point of pulling my hair out.

"Hey just cause were gay doesn't mean we're good with fashion" Liam fought back. He was still trying to get use to the fact that he was indeed gay.

"That's Zayn" Niall smiled at me.

"But he's not gay?" I question thinking back to his behavior. I mean yes he was good at putting together outfits but he is always flirting with girls. Niall blurted out laughing.

"No he's not gay!" He said between gasps for air. I rolled my eyes.

"God Niall you scared me!!!" I looked at myself in my full length mirror. This dress didn't show off my best asset. "I can't call him he's my date. I don't want him to see my dress" I unzipped the dress holding it up still on me. Just because they are gay doesn't mean I will change in front of them. "Which dress next" We all stared at the pile of clothes on my bed.

"Maybe you should call Tina" Liam offered. "I mean she is a girl and all" Liam said as I walked into my bathroom to change.

"She would have to get passed her parents or lie to them. It's too much work" I frowned. I slipped on the next dress. It was a white one that went down to my mid-thigh. I liked it, it was a sweet heart neckline. It was flowy. I walked out to my bedroom. Liam and Niall were kissing. I guess they thought I would take longer. I cleared my throat. They pulled apart quickly, both of them blushing.

"Oh wow I like this one" Liam smiled looking me up and down.

"Oh really?" I turned to the full length mirror.

"If I wasn't gay-" Niall giggled. I rolled my eyes; he thought he was so funny. The doorbell rang making me jump. I turned to Niam, they were kissing once again. Once they start there is no stopping them. It's not like its ridiculous sexual making out. It was mouth closed kissing, PG rated. I snorted jogging down the stairs. The doorbell went off like five more times.

"Calm down I'm coming!" I yelled pulling open the door. I gasped. Harry was standing there, a frown on his face as he checked out my dress. "Harry what are you doing here" I asked surprised. He stood there his eyes slightly bugging out.

"You're really going to the dance with Zayn?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Yes, why wouldn't I" I shivered from the cold air blowing in from outside.

"You're pathetic" He mumbled. I sighed, good ole Harry.

"What are you doing here?" I looked over his shoulder to see if Anne was watching or something.

"My mom wanted me to give you this" He held out an envelope.

"What is it?" I grabbed it from his hands.

"I don't know she didn't tell me" He sounded just as interested I as was. I ripped open the top and pulled out a small note.

Here is half the money for such good progress- Anne

I looked in to see a check. I gasped hiding the letter behind my back.

"What is it" Harry asked suddenly more interested. He leaned inside.

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