4. Change In Plans

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I walked into the head masters office, Mr. Wilson. He was on the phone but waved me in. I took a seat in one of the chairs that looks really comfortable but wasn't. It was stuffed too much and was hard. Mr. Wilson cleared his throat.

"Well Miss" he stopped and looked down at my folder. His eyes widened "Miss Baxter. As in your father is Paul Baxter author of "The Truth behind All the Lies" I nodded my head and rolled my eyes. Everyone knew my father's book and I was always running into his fans as he called them. I watched Mr. Wilson as he got cheerful like a teenage girl finding out she is going to meet Justin Bieber. "Well I think we should give him a call so we can have a little chat about the math situation." So he was a huge fan of my dad's. This could work in my favor.

"You know Mr. Wilson I'm sure my father would love to have you over for dinner some time. He loves to meet people who have read his book" Which is true he loves to talk about himself. He had put years of his life into that book. Mr. Wilson's eyes light up.

"That would be great! Here I'll just give you my home number so you can give it to your dad" He wrote quickly on a piece of paper. He read over it then crushed it into a ball rewriting it. I smiled at how girly he was being. He handed to me his hands shaking.

"I'll give it to him don't worry" I gave him a bright smile. He sat back down in his chair crossing his arms across his chest.

"Thank you Graycen. Now about your Math situation" He narrowed his eyes.
"Please call me Gracie" I corrected him.

"Okay Gracie, I looked at your transcript and it shows here that you were in honors calculus back in America"

"Yes sir I am a huge math nerd"

"Don't tell anyone but I was a giant math nerd in my day too. Okay I have placed you in our advanced math class" He looked down at his watch "If you leave now you can make it for the second half of class" he nodded motioning for me to leave. I got up and waved to him.

"Bye Mr. Wilson"

"Oh Gracie call me David" he called to me. I held back a giggle. He was trying to suck up to me. My dad's book was really great. I had read it when I was 11 not really understanding it at the time but it apparently it changed many people's lives. I walked up to my new classroom pulling the heavy door open. About 30 pairs of eyes snapped up and landed on me. 

"Okay class get back to your tests" a very young looking man said. He was wearing a dress shirt with a vest. He looked maybe thirty. He had dark hair and scruff that made him look very sexy. He clapped his hands together getting a little too excited. "Who are you" he stopped and pointed one of his long fingers at me. Every head turned towards me once again. My attention was stuck on the teacher though. He was so handsome.

"I'm Gracie" I plainly said staring at him lost for any other words.

"I was not told I was having any new students" He said puzzled looking down at his computer.

"Davi... I mean Mr. Wilson switched some of my classes around" I explained peeking at the class, more than half of them were still looking at me.

"Okay here I just got an email from him. They are taking a test today so you can just have a seat and have a free hour" He looked up at me with his grey sparkling eyes taking my breath away. Why did he have to be so sexy? He licked his lips and I looked away realizing I was staring. "Gracie you can sit next to Louis" He said chuckled under his breathe. I turned to the class looking for any clue to who Louis was. A couple guys were staring at me, none of them looking like a Louis, like you can tell.

"Umm who's Louis?" I asked the class causing everyone to stare at me once again. A hand whipped into the air. The boy had light brown hair swiped to the side with piercing blue eyes. I sat down next to him. His eyes were on me.

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