8. Gloomy Day

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I ran for my life to the front doors of the school. It was pouring cats and dogs still. The sky was gray and there was fog hanging in the air; A rather gloomy day. I pulled the heavy door open slipping a little on the wet linoleum floor. I pulled off my beanie shaking the water off then placing it back on my head. I glanced around the giant hallway. Many girls were freaking out about their hair being wet. I didn't straighten my hair today so I didn't mind if my hair got damp.

I walked to my locker grabbing my English and French stuff. I shut my locker and turned around to see Harry glaring at me. Ugh here we go again. This boy just doesn't have anything better to do but to show how much he hates me. I thought of the plan that took me and my mom an hour to make perfect. I texted Anne the plan this morning she hasn't replied yet. That made me nervous though. I rolled my eyes toward Harry and went to walk to English when I heard a high pitch gasp/scream.

"GRAYCEN WHO TOLD YOU, YOU COULD WEAR STRIPES!" I flinched as Louis of course used my name. I looked down at my striped sweater.

I had completely forgotten it was his thing. Everyone in the hall was staring at me. I spun around to see a very upset boy. "How could you!" He asked sadness dripping from his voice.

"I'm sorry Louis I forgot!" I called across the hall. He was still in the 'popular' area; I was not. He pointed at me then pointed to the spot in front of him. I would have gone right away but Lou's special curly haired friend was shooting daggers my way. Louis snapped his fingers getting impatient. I was glad that he was here and not covered in bruising. I had worried about him since her turned that corner yesterday heading to a not so safe part of town. That boy was a mystery.

I pulled my bag higher on my shoulder and slumped over to him. I stopped right in front of him, my head down.

"Sorry Louis" I know this probably seems ridiculous but Louis and his stripes was like Oreo's and milk and bonnie and Clyde. You can't have one without the other.

"Gracie, I'll let it slide this one time" His joking voice came out. I gave him a small smile.

"Oi Louehhh leave the poor girl alone" Zayn strutted up flinging his arm around me. He leaned in real close and whispered in my ear "He only forbids other people from wearing stripes cause he's afraid they will look better on them than him. Which is true you look great in stripes" He winked. I giggled. Harry gagged in disgust. "Do you have a problem Harold?" Zayn shot at him. The atmosphere got tense again.

"I have to go I forgot,-" I looked around quickly trying to think of a lie "-to feed my cat" I shuffled away quickly.

"Gracie you're so weird" I heard Louis call after me. I didn't even care if it sounds stupid I just can't handle awkward situations that well.

My next few classes went by in a blur. I paid attention to the teachers which was surprising for me. I usually slide by without having to focus. The teachers here have British accents that were just as fascinating to listen to. By lunch I was tired of the dreary weather. We were all stuck in the lunch room. I entered late and everyone was in their own worlds. I bought something that looked like chicken stripes, then I made my way to my blonde friend. He was wearing a bright blue hoodie that matched his eyes but his head was down.

"Hi Niall" I said sitting across from him.

"Hey" He mumbled not looking up at me. I hope he wasn't mad about me hanging up on him yesterday.

"You okay leprechaun?" His lips twitched up but returned to a frown right away.

"I'm fine" He shrugged.

"Well then look at me" I realized I had raise my voice louder than I needed to. "Please" I said softer. I let of a sigh readjusting my beanie on my head.

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