12. Cant Just Be Friends

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My first few classes were brutal I almost fell asleep in all of them. My eye lids felt heavy and about to close all day. It was probably due to the fact Niall and I stayed up almost all night last night. I really don't know why we did, it just happened. We watched movies and talked. I have never had anyone I have gotten so close with. Niall was my exception. Something about him was just so inviting and happy. You look at him and you just can't help but smile.

It was now lunch time thank god. My stomach had been growling all morning and not the quiet ones that you can only hear. It was the ones that everyone in class can hear and start giggling at you. I quickly got in line. Today was some kind of pasta. I really didn't even care I just needed food in generally. I walked to my table. Tina and Niall were already there with huge ass smile on their faces.

They were not alone though, Josh was with them. He was sitting across from them telling them a joke or something because just as I sat down they cracked up.

"Hi" I cautiously said. I did like Josh. It's not like I'm completely using him. He was cute, oh boy, was he cute. He had been asking me out since our little French project so I finally said yes. I figured I can't waste my whole life on this Harry thing. I need to live a little too. Plus this might even show Harry what he's missing.

"Hey!" Niall had a wide smile. He had different smiles and I knew this one. It had something to do with Liam.

"Have you talked with Liam" I casual asked as we started to eat. He tried to look away so I didn't see a blush.

"Yeah why?"

"I was wondering if he was working today. I didn't want to go in alone" I smiled at him.

"I think he mention something about work today" He pulled out his phone scrolling through what looked like hundreds of messages. My emotions!

"Okay good"

"What are you guys doing for winter break?" Josh asked trying act like he belonged in our little family. We were a very selective clique. I mean we were nice to everyone but it takes a lot to be truly part of our group.

"I'm going to Sweden with my parents" Tina bragged. Her family had a lot of money. They live in a fancy home too. I had only been there once to pick her up. She doesn't like her parents but she tolerates them. I mean what teenager gets along with there over controlling parents, except me.

"Gracie, What about you and your folks?" He was turned so he could look my in the eyes; an eager look on his face.

"I'm not sure I haven't even talk with my parents about it" I stopped and thought they were both in town for the first time when I was on break. I looked at Niall his head was down as he listened to us talking. "Niall if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go" He looked at me like I was crazy. I have said some crazy things in our time of being friends and I thought that was one of the easiest questions.

"I don't know" He mumbled.

"Oh come on you have to have thought of it, dreamt of it" I pushed furthers.

"Someplace warm" He blurted out. I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Okay like Jamaica, Hawaii, Australia?" I had been almost everywhere in the world, with my parent work they got to travel loads.

"Hawaii sounds nice" He shrugged returning to his food. I pulled my phone out calling Michelle, She answered right away.

"Hello is everything okay?" She was such a mom even if she doesn't like to admit it.

"Yes everything is fine-"

"-Niall's okay too?" I had to stop and laugh at that. I looked at Niall who was staring at me confused.

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