9. Bimbo

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I looked at myself in my bathroom mirror. My wavy blonde hair lay perfectly around my face, my foundation covered every imperfection, my eye make up made my hazel eyes pop and my outfit hugged my body in all the right places.

If I had to say so I looked damn good. That was my plan, to look good. That wasn't all of it though. It was to become one of the 'populars'. That took a lot of butt kissing to the top girl. Harry's bimbo; I should probably call her by her real name, Laura. If I had her on my side I will be around Harry all the time.

"Graycen have you seen my glasses?" My dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs. That man was always losing his dang glasses. I flipped the light off and galloped down the stairs.

"No dad when was the last time you had them?" I asked looking in the couch and under the table.

"I think I was-"He paused scratching his head. He was still in his pajamas, like it even mattered if he got dressed. What I would give to work from home.

"Dad I don't have time to help you right now" I hurried into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel and strawberry cream cheese. I opened the drawer to grab a knife and there were his glasses. Typical. "Dad I found them" I called setting them on the counter and continued making my meal.

Soon enough I was out the door and speeding down the road. My phone started to ring in my bag as I pulled up to the stop light. I bent over digging franticly for it. It has gotten better at this whole hide and seek thing. I finally found it and brought it to my ear just as the light turned green. Mission accomplished.

"Hello" I said into my phone.

"Gracie my car broke down" It was Niall's innocent voice.

"Oh my, are you are okay? Where are you?" I overreacted once again.

"Calm down" He laughed. At least he found it funny. "I'm still at home" I sighed with relief.

"Okay where do you live?" He quickly told me where to go and we hung up. I was driving over the speed limit but thankfully there were no cops around. I pulled up to a white house with a matching white picket fence. It was a house from the movies that everyone envied and wanted. My blonde friend was leaning up against his truck, his arms crossed. I rolled down the window. "Get in bitch we're going to school" He rolled his eyes and hobbled over to the car.

"Thanks" He mumbled sitting in the passenger's seat.

"No problem sexy" I winked at him before flying off down the road. We pulled up to school and got out of the car. I walked over to Niall's side of the car and looked at his black eye. "You look bad ass with that thing" I laughed scanning the crowd of kids who were standing in the courtyard.

"Yeah so do you. You look amazing today" He looked me up and down but not in a creepy way but in an approving way. "You are really good at this conning thing" He laughed holding his arm out. "Shall we" He said in a posh voice.

"We shall" I returned the accent, mine being horrible. As we walked many of the people stopped to look at us, well hopefully me. I need to be talked about; I needed the boys to like me and the girls to want to be my friend. That's why I need my mom's help. She let me raid her closet letting me take her expensive, fancy clothes and purses. All the girls at this school will swoon over the designer shit. I honestly didn't know the difference.

"People are staring" Niall whispered nervously. He wasn't use to all this attention. I on the other hand am still new to this school and used to the stares.

"That's cause you're so hot" I smiled at him. "You want to hang out tomorrow?" I asked as we walked into the school and up to my locker. I dropped his arm and pulled out my notebooks.

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