10. One Messed Up Family

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I handed the young man his drink giving him a sweet smile. I only had a half hour left of work and I was getting tired. The young man said 'have a nice day' with a wink and left. I sighed leaning against the counter. It was a nice day out and the shop was dead. I guess no one was thirsty.

I rested my elbows on the dirty surface. Liam was going to kill me. I never cleaned up after myself. I closed my eyes letting myself relax from the long week I had. Josh, Harry and I presented our project on Wednesday. Harry had done none of the work and Josh was pretty mad about that. We got an A though. The bell from the front door rang pulling me from my tired state.

"Hi Gracie" It was Anne. I hadn't talk to her for a couple days. She was dealing with her sick mother. I felt so bad for her. I haven't lost a parent, obviously, but I have lost all four of my grandparents.

"Anne How are you!" I leaped on the counter, slid the other side, and pulled her in for a bone crushing hug.

"I'm good thank you. My mother is doing much better" The happiness was back in her eyes.

"Oh good I'm glad. Can I get you anything" I pointed to the menu.

"Um yes actually I need two donuts and a tea to go" She smiled.

"No problem" I went back behind the counter getting her order.

"How's that plan going" She casually asked looking around the shop.

"It's going better than I thought. Tonight is a big party and Laura invited me so it's going great" I rambled on as I tried not to burn myself. I have been practicing but I really hated making hot drinks.

"That's great!" She traded her money for her order. "Gracie we need to hang out soon I miss our girl time" I nodded. Liam then walked through the door a huge smile on his face. He was about to speak but noticed I was with a customer.

"Anne that would be great I'll text you tomorrow" She gave me a quick hug and she turned to leave.

"Bye Liam" She gave him a wink as she left. Liam looked at the closed door then back at me.

"Was that your mom?" He asked throwing his backpack on the ground.

"What no she's my neighbor" I laughed resuming my position leaning on the counter.

"You seem close with her. GRACIE! Look at this mess" He screamed looking around.

"I'm sorry it was busy I didn't have time to-"

"-I don't want to hear it! Ugh this is going to take forever to clean" He groaned walking to the back room to what I'm guessing was to change.

"What were you going to say when you walked in" I called back to him. He didn't respond. I waited for him to come back. He had a giant smile on his face. "Liam, tell me already!"

"I got a B on my math test" I screamed and threw my arms around him. I was so proud of him. We had been working for the last week on his math. He was a smart kid; his teacher just wasn't teaching him in the right way. He needs to be involved in the teaching process not just sit there while someone does it themselves. I pulled away but kept my hands on his shoulder and he kept his hands on my waist.

"Liam I'm so proud of you! If you keep this up you will pass math and then graduate!" I was over excited.

"I know and I owe it all to you" He was beaming at me. His smile was so sexy.

"It was all you Liam you're a math nerd now" I laughed.

"Thank you again" He pulled me in for another hug. The bell chimed causing us to pull apart.

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