17. Secrets

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The rest of the week was uneventful but it was Thursday now and shit always goes down on Thursday. I don't know if you have ever noticed. Monday through Wednesday everyone is in a daze from being tired. Then Thursday comes around and boom people are excited for the weekend but that's also when the drama starts. Niall and I had been talking like nothing is going on between us but I think there is. The fact that he is keeping his relationship with Liam a secret pisses me off. I'm supposed to be his best friend, like a sister, he should be able to share things like that with me.

I walked down the hall in my own little world not really caring that many people were staring at me. The reason for staring I have no clue. Today especially, people just seem interested in me.

"Hey cutie" Louis said walking up next to me. "Why is everyone talking about you?" He looked around the hall.

"I don't know" I grumbled shrugging my shoulders.

"What are they saying" I asked not really wanting to know.

"That you're a bitch" He tried to say it in a nice way but there is no way of saying that in a polite way.

"Well I am" I walked up and opened my locker grabbing my homework for the day.

"No you're not! Oh damn I forgot my math book" He took off back down the way we just came. I heard a loud cackle from behind so I peeked over my shoulder. Laura was standing with her Barbie's laughing like hyenas. I rolled my eyes. They annoy me just so much. I slammed my locker shut pulling on my coat.

"Oi cheer up" Zayn sang wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I groaned, not in the mood for his flirtiness. "Someone's having a bad day" He pulled me closer to him as we walked out into the cold.

"Yeah a bad week" I mumbled.

"I have a question for you" He pulled me to a stop. "Will you go to the winter dance with me?" His big hazel eyes looked up at me with hope in them. He was so handsome. He may be an inappropriate loser but he was a nice guy. I rolled my eyes. The winter dance was not something I was interested in but it was my last year of school so why not.

"Fine, but just as friends" He smirked up at me and I knew he was going to crack a joke but I didn't hear it; I was distracted on what I was seeing behind him. "Holy crap!" I shrieked covering my mouth. It came out louder than I thought. Zayn's head snapped around to see what I was seeing.

"Oh my god is that Tina-"He squinted his eyes "-And Josh?" He looked at me like I would know. The two were connected at the lips, an intense kiss. "I guess he has moved on" Zayn chuckled. I bit my lip. They were cute together. I walked over to them with Zayn trailing behind. He cleared his throat catching their attention. They pulled apart surprised and fear written all over their faces.

"Gracie, I'm-" Tina started but I didn't let her finish.

"How long has this been going on" I asked in a surprisingly calm manner. They looked at each other having a silent conversation.

"We weren't together so it's not like we're doing anything wrong" Josh spoke up.

"You didn't answer my question" I said taking a step back. Tina looked like she was going to cry. Was I really that scary? Was I really that much of a bitch people had to fear me?

"Well-" Tina said her voice shaking "-When you were in Hawaii we were both here and I was upset about my parents and them not liking my friends. He didn't go anywhere either and his parent also go to my parents country club so they were okay with me hanging out with him. And we sort of hit it off. Oh Gracie I'm so sorry" I snorted gaining all their attentions. They thought I was mad; they thought I was going to explode with fury, nope. I started laughing. Yup I started to laugh like a crazy person. Zayn put his hand on my shoulder.

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