16. Not Involved

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Niall's POV

Ricky was a nice guy, don't get me wrong. He was also pretty attractive too but he was no Liam. Ricky and I had a lot in common. We talked for a large portion of the night. He was going on about his favorite sports team when I notice Liam making his way over to us. He had on a black shirt that contrasted with my white polo. He looked really good in dark colors.

"Hi Niall" His voice was off. We have gotten to be close friends and I know when something is up.

"Hey" I chewed on the inside of my cheek. It was slightly awkward with both Ricky and Liam standing in front of me.

"Can I talk to you?" He looked down at his shoes. My heart was racing, something was up.

"Ricky would you excuse me" Ricky nodded his head and walked off. "What's up Liam" I set the beer I was drinking down. Liam looked around the room and stepped forward closer to me.

"We can't talk here" His rough large hand grabbed mine and started to drag me through the crowd of vacationers. His hand was a little sweaty but I didn't mind. I loved holding his hand. We only held hands a few times mainly because it is weird for guy friends to hold hands. I was soon walking next to him outside on the path down to the beach. Even though I was right next to him he never let go of my hand. My brain was running in circles. Was he going to tell me he likes me? He couldn't like me. He's not gay. Stop getting your hopes up Niall, but what if he did like me. No he can't. I have never been so nervous or scared in my life.

"It's a beautiful night" He said looking out to the water. His hand twitched a little in mine making me think he was going to let go of my hand making me real depressed but he didn't. He intertwined his fingers with mine. This made my heart race a thousand times faster. Why would he do this?

"Yeah very beautiful" I managed to squeak out. I was such a loser. I felt like I was sweating like a pig. We walked in silence until we made it to the beach. The sand covered our feet and the sault sea breeze blew our hair to the side. Liam looked like a model in this light. His gorgeous brown eyes weren't looking at me, but focused on the ocean instead. I looked out to the horizon too. The sun had gone down hours ago. The New Year's party screams were faintly heard in the distance.

I turned after a long time. I was getting impatient. "Liam what did you want to talk about" It was dark but I could tell he was nervous. His body turned to face me so I did the same. We were face to face, him being an inch or two taller than me. Our hands were still clinging to one another.

"I" He started but choked on his own words. I gave his hand a light squeeze. "Niall I don't know-" He looked down. He ran his free hand through his luscious hair. The hair I would give anything to have my hands in; my lips on his. Whoa Niall focus. "Niall do you like me?" He blurted out making me flinch. His head snapped up and he made full eye contact. At first I thought he was joking but he wasn't. I couldn't tell my best friend that I love him. He wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore.

"Where is this coming from?" I asked not wanting to answer it. Liam pulled his hand from mine leaving me feeling cold.

"I just need to know" Need? Why did he need to know? I bit my lip. I was debating back and forth. Should I lie or should I tell the truth? I looked up and met his eyes again feeling a familiar heated sensation in my cheeks. I let my head drop not able to look at his flawless face anymore. "Nialll?" I couldn't look up.

"You're going to hate me" I whispered under my breath. He heard me though. He moved back a few steps. This was it, he was going to tell me we couldn't be friends because he wasn't gay and he didn't want to be worried that I was just checking him out the whole time. I have heard it my whole life, even by people who didn't even know I was gay. Suddenly I heard the count down from the party 30, 29, 28

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