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"Lexi, we have something to tell you." My mom tells me, pulling me into the living room of our house.

"Yeah..." I state, this was just an out of the blue situation.

My mom squeezes Ryan's hand, her boyfriend, and looks up at me, "Ryan and I got promoted a new job."

"Mom that's great! I'm so happy for you! You too, Ryan!" I smile, hugging them both. And kiss my mom's cheek.

"It's in Virginia, though." She responds.

My face drops, tears start to brim in my eyes, "W-What?" I stutter.

"Ryan and I were promoted new jobs in Virginia. We took the jobs and we already found a house, it's a friend-"

"No mom, you know I was happy here. I've only been living here for three months and you're making me move again? I started to make friends here, that treat me like my best friends. Mom, wha- why would you tell me this?" I cry, this was heart breaking.

"I'm sorry honey, it's just his family's work. It's life." My mom says, trying to pull me into a hug.

She grabbed my wrist, I pull away from her and run upstairs to my room. Slamming the door, knocking over a couple of pictures. Glass didn't shatter, since I had carpeted floors.

I snuggle a pillow and start to cry, cry more then I ever have. This was horrible, I mean I just moved up here and now they're wanting to move again. And all the way to Virginia, what why?

"Lexi?" My moms knocks.

"Go away."

"I'm sorry, Lex."


My eyes fluttered open, I had fallen asleep. As usual when I cried, it was about midnight. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and texted all my friends, taking them about the news.

Non of them had replied, because it was midnight. I mean, no body was awake at this time.

I'm gunna miss my friends so much, it hurts. I don't wanna leave this place.

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