T W E N T Y - S I X

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"J-Jacob? W-What are you doing here? I thought you were done with me?" 

I was shocked, why would he be here. I didn't want to see him anymore, I was finally over him. I don't want him here.

"I wanted to come back to say-" He started, but I cut him off.

"No. Jacob you're too late. I don't want to see you. Even if I was the causer, you still broke my heart. Just leave me alone. I never want to see you again."

"Babe. Just hear me-"

"No. Leave. Right. Now." I command.

He turns around and walks out of my sight, just what I needed. Jacob to come back and remind me of my broken heart, he caused me.

Even if I did kiss Hunter, I should be the one feeling guilty. But Jacob was never the one for me, an never will be.


"Do you wanna talk about it?" Jake whispered, while we were snuggling in my bed. Watching a movie.

"Later. I just need some water, I'll be right back." I say, getting out of his embrace.

I walk to the kitchen, filling a glass of water. I walk back in, setting it down on my nightstand. I take a few sips before setting it down, and get back into Jake's arms.

It made me feel safe, I look up and peck his lips. But he wanted more, I sat up as we started to kiss longer. He pulls me onto his lap, relieving me from the Jacob crap. His hands went lower other than my waist.

He pulls me underneath him, starting to kiss my neck. But no love bites of course. Just a quick little make out session, was all I needed.

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