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1 Week Later -

Hunter sat on my bed in my room, we were watching a movie. Turns out he was staying out here, he was staying with me. My mom allowed it.

I was laying down, with my legs draped over Hunter's. He rubbed my legs, especially the scar from the glass.

He payed more attention about me then the movie, it was cute.

"Hunter?" I sigh.

"Yeah?" He questions, not looking up at me. Just staring at the scar.

It was only me and him home, my mom and Ryan were at work.

"Are you okay?" I ask, sitting up.

"Yeah. But can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, of course. We're best friends, we tell each other everything. Remember?"

"Yeah. Okay, so there's a girl I like. But I don't know if she likes me back, plus she's already in a relationship. What do I do to tell her about my feelings?"

"Well if I was you, I would just be up front with her. Not hide it, girls like it when guys talk about feelings. It means they like girls for their personality other than looks."

"Then this is gonna sound crazy." He laughs, and looks me in the eye, "I like you, a lot, Lexi."

"Hunter?" I smile.

"I knew it. You don't like me back. I'm so stupid, you're already in a relation-ship with Jacob. I shouldn't have bud in, and ruin everything. I'm sorry. I'll just go back home."

He pushes my legs off of his, gently, and starts to walk away.

"Hunter?" I state.

He stops at my door, his hand on the door knob. He was scared to look back.


I stand up and walk over to him, pulling his hand off of the door knob. He turns around and looks me in the eye, leaning in. I couldn't cheat.

I put my finger up to his lips, "Slow your roll. I like you. But as a friend. I'm sorry. But I do really love Jacob, and I love you too." He perks up.

"But as a friend." He finishes.

"Will you still be my friend?" I ask, holding both his hands in mine.

"Of course. We're best friends." He laughs, he cried. A boy actually cried over me, because of feelings.

I tip toe and kiss his cheek, he smiles and still blushes. Like always.

I'm glad, I didn't loose him.



Travis's mom dropped me off at home, I just finished hanging out Travis.

When walking into my house, Caroline had friends over so I head upstairs and just pop a movie in the DVD player.

Pulling my phone out, I text Lexi;

Myself: Hey Babe

I set my phone down, and walked down stairs as the preview of the movie starts to play. Going through the cupboards, I pull out a packet of popcorn to make.

Throwing it into the microwave, I wait 1 minute and thirty seconds. Till its fully popped.

When finished, I run back upstairs and find a text from Lexi;

Babe<3: Hey baby, how was hanging out with Travis?

Myself: Good, good. How's hanging out with Hunter?

Babe<3: Good, but he told me something that I have to talk to you about later. Sorry gtg! Love you! <3

Myself: Love you too! <3 ;*

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