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Next Day -

I was finally getting out of the hospital, my leg and arm were feeling better. A lot. But I had to keep a cast on my arm for another three weeks. So I guess no going out for me, unless my mom says I can. But I doubt that.

She's still pleading me with sorry's, and about fifteen times she's said it. I told her every single time, that I forgive her. It wasn't her fault, it was the jerk behind us who told us to go.

My mom helped me get dress, Hunter and Jacob helped me through the door and down to the car. They both next to me, which meant I sat in the middle.

My leg was healed, sorta. I just wasn't able to get around on it a lot, or else it will cause more pain for me to deal with. But luckily, Jacob was here to help. He asked his mom for him to be excused from school, and she actually said yes. Surprisingly. 


Now, I was laying in bed. Against Jacob. We were napping in my room. While everyone else was downstairs.

The boys were still here, they were taking a break from tour a whole week. Just to support me, I felt bad though. Because I disturbed their fun time.

But Cameron kept telling me to stop worrying about it, because they still would've flown out here even if they weren't on tour. They're so sweet to me.

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