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A Couple hours later -

Our house wasn't very organized, we had boxes spread out all over our new house. I have to sleep in the sleeping bag, again, because my bed wasn't set up yet. So yeah.

All my clothes were here but I had no need to dress up for going out for dinner, it wasn't fancy or anything. All it was, was DelTaco. Nothing special.

"Lex! Let's go!" My mom yells, I slip on my shoes during the process. Slip my phone into my hoodie pocket, and walk downstairs to them.

"Yeah, let's go I'm starving." They laugh, as I head out into the car.

They follow along, I put on my seatbelt and we head off to the nearest DelTaco.


After Dinner -

We were back at the house, I sat in my room. Setting up almost everything.

Well my dresser and my lights, I was gonna set up my bed tomorrow. Which I was so happy about, I start school in a week. I have to help my mom with unpacking and everything, Ryan was starting work tomorrow.

So he wouldn't be able to help us tomorrow, but at least he'll be able to later the day to paint. He only works in the morning. So in the afternoon he'll be able to help.

I had washed my face and brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed.

"Night mom, night Ryan." I said walking past their room in the hall.

"Night." They mumbled.

I climbed into my sleeping back and fell right asleep.


In the morning -

It was 8:30 in the morning, I woke up an hour ago. Since I wasn't able to sleep in, very long, anyways.

"Are you ready, monkey?" My mom always called me monkey, I don't know why. But oh whale.

"Yeah, let's go." I laugh, and open up the door walking out the door.

We head to the car, my mom gave Ryan a ride to work, we headed to the hardware store. Getting paint and some of that plastic stuff for the ground, along with brushes, and some masking tape. Wooh, I'm excited for this.


"Ooh mom, can I get this one?" I ask her, looking at all the pallets of colors.

"Sure. I'm gunna get this color." She said, holding up a darkish blue.

I had picked out a medium shade of gray, we asked the assistant for help. Which didn't take long, then we got all the other stuff.

We headed home after buying everything, which made me jump around. Since I was so excited to paint my room. Yay!

"Okay, get the plastic stuff and cut it to the measurement for your room, I'll do the same with mine."

"Wait, are we gunna paint right now?"

"No, not yet. I thought we could go to McDonalds for breakfast. If you want?"

"Yasssssss." I laugh.

"You're such a dork." She laughs, and pats my head.

We both walk out and drive to McDonalds, but before that we go ahead and pick Ryan up. Since it was already 11 o'clock, we picked him up and ate. Which relieved me.


I poured a good amount of gray paint into my bin, and rolled the rolling brush into it. I start to paint the wall, while listening to music. Specifically Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, all bands really.

Sooner then later, I'm done with one wall. I take a break, by going into my moms room. To see how she's doing.

Ryan and her were on the last wall, finishing up painting. But I decided to just go ahead and finish mine anyways, and widened my window some more.


About an hour later, I finished up my whole room, and it looked good! I'm so proud of myself, we opened up all the windows in the house to quicken up the dry. Even if it was suppose to dry quick.

We ordered pizza since it was about 2:30 p.m., and ate up. It was so good.

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