T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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I took a deep breathe, before walking into Starbucks. It was kinda scary.

I look around the small coffee shop, no sign of Jacob. It was only 10:45, I came a bit too early.

I went ahead and ordered myself a drink, I'm gonna need it after this.

The door opened, as sipped my drink, my heart quickened, my stomach flipped, just overall freaking me out.

Relief came upon me, as I saw it was just a random person I didn't know. But soon enough, Jacob came in.

He smiled when looking straight as me, it's been so long since I've had a feeling like this from him. One year and three months to be exact.

"Hey." He softly said, taking a seat across from me.

Now, he was taller, stronger, so much more different than when we were with each other. It seemed weird, but at the same time. I was glad to see him again.

Even if I was heartbroken from him. It technically was my fault. I put it upon myself, it was just some dumb love thing. Every thirteen year old goes through it, right?

"Hi." I simply respond, not knowing what to respond with exactly. I mean he did say he wanted to talk, not the other way around. It was kinda nerve racking for me, he should know this.

"I'll be right back." He says, before walking off to the barista for an order.

After a while, he walks back with a drink in his hand. His other hand in his pocket, I was being observant.


"So last week, it's seemed you have a boyfriend. I'm happy for you, but I'm letting you know it hurt for me to see it. I still have feelings for you, I should've talked with you instead of just breaking it of so easily. So instead of being a couple instead can we be friends? And promise me you won't be mad any time ever asks about it?" He said, talking me through everything.

"Yeah, we can be friends." I smile, we both stand up and hug each other.

I'm glad I was able to solve this conflict.

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