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Month October -

Today was Jacob's birthday, I've been living in Virginia for 8 months now.

And get this, after our very first date. Jacob asked me out. Our parents except our relationship, and I'm glad.

Right now, I was waiting for my mom. She was gonna drive me to the mall, to get another present for him. She needed to get one for him too, we were also planning his birthday party. Which his mom let me do.

It's pretty funny, because my birthday is in eight days. And Jacob hasn't even gotten me anything, trust me I know. I spent an hour searching his room for my present. I didn't have any luck.

"Alright let's go." My mom said, after I sent one last snap to Jacob.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"None of your bee's wax."


I went to Zumiez, and got a whole bunch of stuff for Jacob. Like pants, shirts, a pair of shoes. Along with a new penny board, turquoise color.

It was 3:39 p.m., Jacob's party was at 7:30 p.m. All of his friends were coming, and a few of mine too.

My mom and I were back home, after getting a couple more presents and all of the party decorations.

I walked next door, with bags full of decorations. Some of Jacob's friends were hanging out with him all day, so Caroline and I had time to decorate.

I walked in, since I was pretty close to his family they let me in and said I was welcomed any time. So yeah.

Jacob said he didn't want a store bought cake, so I bought some stuff to bake. Since I love to, it's one of my hobbies. And he knows it.


Caroline was decorating inside the house, we had just finished the backyard. She told me to start on the cake, while she decorated.

I put on an apron and got everything out for the cake, since he loves Vanilla and Chocolate. I was gunna mix them into a layered round cake.

Three layers, the bottom one Chocolate, middle one is a mix of both, top one was just Vanilla.

After setting it in the oven, I helped Caroline. Finishing up the decorating.

By the time we were done, the cakes were finished. But I had to let them cool, so while they were cooling. We got all the snacks ready, the drinks, and set up the present table.

Everything was almost set up, it was just the cake that needed to be finished.

After 20 minutes, the cakes were done cooling. I put the apron back on and tied my hair back, washing my hands before starting anything.

I cut the tops of to make the layering even, putting colored frosting in between each layer. When done with stacking them, I colored white frosting making it a blue with bits of white color into it. And made some stuff out of fondant like; skateboards, surfboards, etc.


Everything was set, the cake was in the fridge. And I already let everyone know that he cannot at all, open the fridge.

Jacob was coming in five minutes.

In those five minutes, I hid his biggest present. Which was only supposed to be kept in between us, Caroline knew what it was. Nothing dirty, I mean we're just thirteen, well he's fourteen.

But still.

I ran downstairs, cause Travis texted me saying they were just turning into the street. On the far end.

I gathered everyone, "Jacob's almost here! Hide!" They all did. We waited a bit until the door opened, Jacob walked through. Some of his friends had the confetti poppers, the big ones.

They exploded them as soon as he was fully into the house.

"Surprise!" Everyone cheered.

"Wow! Who did all of this?" Jacob asked, scanning the room. His eyes landed on me, his mom came up behind him.

"Your beautiful girlfriend did." She laughed, and walked into the kitchen.

We walk toward each other, he smiles and hugs me. Picking me up too. I laugh, "Happy Birthday, Babe."

"You did all of this? For me?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. This is one of those first birthdays were celebrating in our relationship. I wanted it to be special."

"Thank you so much." He smiles and was about to kiss me, until our mom's caught the moment.

"Keep it PG, you two." They said at the same time.

We laughed, I pulled him out into the backyard. Holding his hand, his eyes glowed with happiness. It was so cute.

"Wow. I still can't believe you do all of this. I don't think I can one-up you."

I laughed, and pulled him into a hug.

"You don't have to. I just want this to be about you, not me. Even if I am your girlfriend." I whisper into his ear.


Now, it was time for the cake. I really hope he likes it. It took forever to decorate, but it was worth it for him.

I had made an excuse and said I was "going to the bathroom." He totally bought it, but really I was pulling his cake out and setting the candles in it.

I received the lighter from my mom and lit the candles, he walked through. Everyone started singing to him.

At the end, he looks me in the eyes, leans over and kisses my cheek, and blows out the candles. Everyone cheers, once again. I knew I was blushing.


Jacob just finished opening his presents, I sat next to him the whole time. He didn't want me to leave his side. We walked upstairs to put his new presents away, when we got to his room. His face dropped.

Let's just say, it was a huge blanket fort. Just for him, everyone was leaving anyways so I asked my mom and his if I could stay the night. Even if I'm not allowed to, because we're a couple.

The worst we could do is probably make out, but we haven't even done that yet. I don't know how, neither does he. But oh whale.

"You've got to be kidding me." He smiles. I set his stuff on his desk, as well as the stuff from his arms.


Everyone was gone, it was Jacob and I in his room. Cuddling at the moment.

But I was drifting to sleep I wasn't trying to, but sooner than later I did.

Right before I fell asleep, Jacob said something;

"I love you, Lexi." He whispered and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too."

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