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1 Week Later -

7:35 a.m. I was so flipping tired, my mom drove me to the school. Which was about two miles away from my house, which wasn't that bad, really.

But she fed me breakfast before we drove over there, so it was about 7:40 a.m. When we arrived at school.

"Bye Lex, I'll see you after school."

"Bye mom, see ya."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She drove off after I hopped out of the car, I nervously walked into the gigantic school building. I looked around, searching for the principals office. But didn't have any luck looking.

I walked up to a boy, who looked pretty cute, he didn't look too much older then me, he was tall, just not as strong as other boys, "Um hi, I'm new here. And I was wondering if you could help me find the principals office."

"Yeah, sure. Follow me."

I follow him as we walk for quite a while, but we make conversation during the time.

"So where did you move from?" The kid asked.

"Utah, I lived up in Salt Lake."

"Oh nice. I bet the move was kinda ruff, Huh?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I laugh a bit.

He stopped, I ran into him, "Oops, I'm sorry." I blush.

"It's fine. Here it is," He gestured to the door, "By the way, I'm Jacob. And you are?"


"Cute. I like it. I'll see you around, beautiful." He smiles and walks off.

Oh snap, anyways, I should get to the principal. Lol, I walked in and told the secretary I'm new here and all.

Ms. Fletcher, the secretary lady, let me in and I sat in front of the principal's desk.

"You must be the new student? I'm Mr. Sanders, where's your mother?"

"Oh she uh is at work. But if you have anything, I can give it to her after school, if you want."

"Yeah, I do have some stuff for her. There's some paperwork and a bit more of registration. I'll have your schedule printed, just let me get it real quick."

He says, and starts clicking his mouse computer, really paying attention to his monitored screen. Just then, the printer turns on. Puking out a piece of paper with lines and words on it.

"Here you go, have you met any students? I'm assuming you didn't find the office yourself?"

"Umm a boy named Jacob helped me."

"Spiked hair, red rosy cheeks, sweet kid?"


"Jacob Sartorius. He's a good kid, he'll be showing you around the school."

"Oh okay."

"Jacob Sartorius to the office, please."

Mr. Sanders talked over the intercom, we talked more about my schedule and Jacob came walking in.

"Yes sir?" He asked, such a gentlemen.

"Would you kindly show this young lady around the school?"

"Of course, anything for you sir."

Jacob holds his hand out, helping me up. Mr. Sanders handed me my schedule and Jacob and I were off, we passed Ms. Fletcher who gave us a kind smile.

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