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I let myself slowly relax into tys warm chest letting his warmth as well as the soothing sound of his steady heart beat help me relax. I couldn't keep myself from nuzzling into him feeling safe and warm. I felt at home with him his hand rubbing small circles on my back as he talked softly with the others. I was quietly fading in and out the new anxiety meds clouding my mind giving everything a slight fuzzy edge. "Baby, hey hun look at me," ty said calmly tilting my head back looking concerned. I looked up lazily everything still fuzzy. "Babe are you ok," he asked softly clearly seeing my spacey eyes.  I nodded nuzzling into him relaxing and slowly falling asleep.

Tys pov

I watched slightly worried as Heather fell asleep curled tightly into my side her spacey eyes fluttering closed. I looked up seeing zack and calum jump on the bus, "uh guys i think we need to get her a lower dose anxiety med because its scaring me how spacey she gets," i said softly still rubbing her back. "Yeah i noticed it earlier as were sitting on the other bus," cal replied "she looked very spacey but i wasn't sure if that was normal or not since i haven't been around her in months." I looked over as Zack checked her over real quick. "I actually kinda did it on purpose because she needs the sleep the dr told me I could give her a small sleeping pill to help with that." "Oh ok I wasnt sure I just noticed that she was very spacey and just kinda out of it." He nodded rubbing her back softly. I held her close keeping an eye on her for a few hours until we had to go on for our set and it worried me having to leave her alone but luckily it was only for 45 minutes then I could come take care of her again.

I couldn't contain my smile when I walked back on the bus seeing Heather awake watching a movie on the couch. She looked up smiling brightly as I walked over her beautiful eyes hiding a slight sparkle as she stood up walking over and hugging me tightly. "Thank you for taking care of me," she said calmly. I smiled pulling her close, "Of course hun anything to make you happy." She still seemed a tiny but off, but she was definitely better. I held her close staying at the front of the bus with her when the others went to the back getting a bit rowdy.I smiled softly as her small fingers traced gently over my many tattoos. Her eyes slowly becoming more focused the longer we sat.

Heathers POV

I was finally getting all of my focus back when I heard Cal and I's special song blast over the speaker system of the bus and jumped up pulling him to me burying my face in his chest instantly. Him gently swaying as we listened to On My Own by The Used. Him humming along softly and rubbing my back as he held me close. After the song was over he helped me pull on shoes and led my off the bus walking along the sidewalk with me. "You know Mike almost killed Luke after what he did. We know you need to explore and do things on your own, and Luke gets that too hes just worried is all bug" I nodded. We walked along the road humming random songs until I started quietly singing Around the World and Back by State Champs and he turned to me shocked. "You know their music already?" "Well, yeah D and i have chilled a bit too. Hes a cool guy and I really like that song," I replied blushing a bit.

Cals smile instantly told how happy he was.  "Im glad youre branching out a bit bug in music as well zack told me he heard you practicing earlier." I looked up confused. "Cal I havent played bass since our last session... I was just mixing a piece for Rian in my bunk earlier. He had to run off before it was finished." I replied softly hating the slight look of disappointment his eyes got after i finished. "S sorry cally s'just been too much stuff going on I haven't really had time to practice much especially with how much pressure mike was putting on me to learn that guitar solo." I said whispering at the end. I saw his face fall instantly. "You know none of us new you were getting that anxious about it bug or we would've stopped. We just thought it would be fun to have you in stage as someone more than just a photographer but its ok i swear. We've already got your VIP all access press passes for the London shows." He said softly wrapping his hoodie around me as we walked. I simply nodded as he led me into a starbucks and giggled ordering a super caramel double espresso with extra whip blushing when he called me a typical white girl. "Oh hush cal not all of us like super bitter coffee," i said smiling brightly sipping my coffee on the way back to the bus.

I was surprised when we got onto the All Time Low bus and no one was there and if was dead silent. "Woah i dont think Ive ever heard it be this quiet," I whispered not wanting to ruin the calmness. But I shouldve known it wouldnt last long as Rian and Alex came running on talking loudly and paused seeing Cal and I huddled together and I saw the flash of anger in Rians eyes causing me to shrink back. "Ri p please d dont b b be mad h hes j just mmm my friend i s swear," I barely stuttered backing up to mh bunk hiding and curling in a tight ball covering my ears when he starts yelling at Cal. My entire body shaking as I cried softly.

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