Ch. 27

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Heathers pov

The show was great... i mean it wasn't an All Time Low show but it was cool. I had fun getting a few photography shots at the beginning before going back to the side stage area cuddling into Cals side. The difference between this Halsey show and seeing any of the guys perform was that Im not into all of her songs. There are a few I like but not all of them so by the encore I was honestly a bit bored and I was getting fidgety as the caffeine from the energy drink id had was kicking in. So while she was finishing her last song I went back to the dressing toom packing up my camera bag and put jaxxs leash back on getting ready to go. I was lost in thought reading something on my phone when Luke walked up rubbing my back. "Everything ok bug?" He asked wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I nodded mumbling "m'fine". Next thing I knew Cal ran in carrying Ashley piggy back style and I stared at the floor heading outside to order an uber. I was sitting on a bench outside the venue pulling my knees to my chest waiting for the others to finish up. I was jolted from my thoughts when a stranger sat much too close for comfort and I jumped up trying to get away. "Hey now baby thats no way to act with the crew members of your fr..." "Back away from my sister now." I heard Luke growl from behind him as the guy practically pinned me in a corner. "Or what pretty boy, you gunna sic those guards on me??" I could see the fire in Lukes eyes as he stormed the guy slamming him into the wall easily holding him there by his shirt. "See, heres the thing dickwad. This beautiful woman is my sister and I have the power to literally bury you so you will apologize to her and then you will disappear because if I ever see you again a few bruises will be the least of your worries." The guy looked a bit panicked with a growing wet spot on his crotch as he stuttered an apology before Luke let him go and he ran off. "Luke you just made him pee himself holy cra... oof" I was cut off as he held me in a bone crushing hug. I completely melted into his hug as the adrenaline wore off. His arms holding me extra close after he scooped me up holding me like a toddler carrying me to the van that cal was pacing by. "Cal dude shes fine calm down." He mumbled softly before setting me on one of the cushy seats. I had to force myself to not whine when he let go. Instead pulling my knees back to my chest keeping my bag close smiling when Jaxx jumped up curling up against my hip. I carefully picked him up holding him against my chest nuzzling into his fur to hide my sad look. When we pulled up to the resort I barely glanced at the guys as I walked straight to the room. My jacket landed with a soft thud on the couch and my boots made small clanking sounds as I kicked them off before burrowing into the bed with Jaxx cuddled into my shoulder. "Baby?" Cals soft voice was heavy with concern as he crouched next to me. He reached out about to touch my cheek until i hid my face in the pillow. I could barely hear his tiny sigh but it still broke my heart. He carefully put jaxx in his travel crate then came back and crawled up on the bed next to me. I could feel him shaking as his arm wrapped around my waist for a second. "Why dont you just got cuddle with Ashley," i huffed rolling away. "W wait... thats why youre so upset you think I..." he burst into giggles covering his face as my tears slipped down my face and I walked out to the living area. "Baby girl heyyyy dont cry im sorry it's just... look Ashley is pretty but shes not my type at all." Cals arms wrapped around me. "Shes like one of the guys..." he was looking at me with heart eyes as one hand gently brushed my tears away. "But you, pretty girl, youre my everything." He leaned down and kissed me softly holding me close. "Why did you think I was upset?" I asked after a bit raising a brow at his shy expression. "W well i um.." I completely froze dropping my phone when as soon as I opened Instagram there was a picture of him kissing this random girl. "Fuck you too Calum." I barely whispered grabbing my wallet fuming about to storm out. I had no idea where I was going but I had to get away from him. I didn't even get to the door before he had me pressed to the wall hands cupping my face kissing me deeply. "Angel, it was a trick ok... She asked me to kiss her cheek and then turned just as I did," he was staring deep into my eyes. "I swear I would never ever hurt you like that. You filled that hole in my heart that made me hate my life." He was playing with my hair now using his body to keep me pinned to the wall. He leaned down nipping at the skin behind me ear causing me to shiver and whine. My mind was racing with so many thoughts as I shoved past him sitting on the couch. I was so deep in though it combined with my caffeine crash was giving me a migraine. Which made it that much easier for cal to carry me to the bed. "Do you wanna change before bed love?" I nodded but still made no move to change. "Do you want some help cutie?" He asked softly rubbing my back. I just purred already almost asleep as he gently pulled me up and helped me change into sweats and his shirt then tucked me into the bed. "Im gunna go get you some excederine you just rest," he kissed my forehead before walking out of the room silently. It felt like hours later that Luke padded in and laid out next to me pulling me into his side. Fingers weaving through my hair gently as he hummed quietly, "You should sleep baby bug." I was so relaxed and cuddled into him I didn't hear Cal walk in until they were both holding me up as he helped me take the headache meds. I purred contently pulling Calum with me as I curled back into Luke using one as a human pillow and the other as my blanket.

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