Ch. 29

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I had a pretty bad bruise on my shoulder And minor headache the following day as we waited for Luke and Ash to walk out of the airport. But I still smiled and ran to Luke burying my face in his neck clinging to him as he and Ash both held me close kissing my head like overprotective dads. When we let go I walked them back to Cal smiling bigger than I had in days as Cal relaxed into Ashtons hug and let him lead us to the car. I was lost in a flurry of memories from the last time Calum had invited me here with them during the drive home Smiling each time I would recognize something. I was a bit surprised when cal pulled over at the same beach wed spent all day at on that first trip. He smiled brightly tugging me down the sand dunes and over to a beautiful scene set ip near the boulder. Someone had dug the sand out to make a sitting area around a bonfire with blankets and small torches. "Wow Cal this is beautiful." It was looking at it amazed as we got closer. "I said id make up for hurting you, plus I figured beach night with the everyone would help ease everyones minds." I nodded and giggled when Michael walked out with armfuls of snacks and a hotel worker behind him with drinks. I had claimed a spot in the corner pulling the hoodie I stole from Cal tighter around me as they lit the bonfire. Everyone seemed to be having a great time when Cal scooted next to me wrapping his arms around me pulling me onto his lap while wrapping a blanket around me. "You're shivering angel." He pointed out as I shook slightly with the breeze. "Yeah s sorry I um I wasn't expecting all this so I only have shorts and a thin tank top under your hoodie." He nodded kissing my cheek softly while rubbing my back. I was so content in that moment as I let my eyes slip closed while he hummed a new song quietly. Giggling quietly when Luke sat behind me rubbing my back. "Hmm a cuddly boyfriend a sweet brother and a slightly cool yet stunning beach night... you spoil me Calum." I mumbled pulling Luke closer as both of them cooed at me. I curled into a tighter ball shivering more as the wind picked up. "Ok let's douse the fire and head out." Cal reasoned after a bit getting a bucket of water and tossing it in the fire before holding me close again as I shivered more the whole way back to the van. My cold face pressed into his neck once he pulled me onto his lap again in an attempt to warm me up. I was half asleep and stumbling like a drunk person as Cal and Luke giggled helping me to the room. My mind was empty for once as I changed into the shirt and pajama pants that were handed to me before walking back and cuddling up to Luke. "Mglad you came bubba." He was warm and I felt safe with him holding me like this. He nodded against my hair kissing my head softly. "Im glad you came back to us bug you had me really worried." His fingers were digging into my shoulders a bit roughly causing me to moan quietly. Which made everyone freeze instantly and I hid in the pillow behind Lukes shoulder. "S sorry that just felt really good." The three guys all had fond smiles as Cal finally got me to come out of my hiding nook.

Once again I slightly regretted being part of a cuddle pile with three overgrown boys completely wrapped around me. They were so warm it was nice at first but when Michael came in ripping the curtains open and the sunlight made everything hot and uncomfortable as they clung to me more. Calum was placing soft kisses to my neck and shoulder. His nose rubbing up behind my ear and along the hairline at the base of my neck. Tiny puffs of air making me shiver when he giggles pulling me back into his chest more as Ashton pulled me forward into his embrace. Which quickly turned into a game of tug a war between the two until I sat up rubbing my eyes. "Stop it m'not a prize o okay." My voice sounding more sad and upset than I had intended which made Calum sit up holding me close. "Im sorry pretty girl. You're right you're not a prize. I just... sometimes I don't like sharing my baby." I nodded as he continued to cuddle and nuzzle into me as I looked over at Ash who was cuddling with Luke kissing his forehead. I pulled cal with me to the balcony for a bit as Ash gave me a weird look. "S so you know how Alex and Zack left you voicemails and Mike trued to text and enail you b but those two stayed qui.." "I know they took you in when I left. I.." Cal sighed pulling me onto his lap when he sat on the lounge chair rubbing my thigh. "I had just gotten the call from my mum saying my grandfather had passed and I was pissed because the last time he tried to call me I had denied it because I was at the hospital with you so I grabbed my stuff to leave but I heard what Luke said to you. I knew that even tho I was angry in that moment and I had to leave you I knew he would take care of you. And baby trust me I know leaving you like that was wrong but it was either leave or risk genuinely hurting you. Im not good with my emotions like you know and when I got that call all I could see was red. I ended up going to an old friends boxing gym and beating the crap out of a whole crew of guys. I didn't want to hurt you so I walked away. I meant to call but as soon as I cleaned up at the gym I went to the airport just in time to catch a flight here. And from there its just been one thing after another helping my mom and grandma plan things and getting a tux and just..." he trailed laying his head on my shoulder as i kissed his forehead. I could tell how stressful and emotional everything had been for him. "I understand Cal i swear. I was only saying something because they've both gotten overprotective," I giggled seeing the curtains move a bit. "Its kinda like having gay dads." I pointed out as icy blue eyes peeked around the edge. Cal chuckled while smirking and cupping my jaw rubbing my cheek lightly. "M'gunna kiss you baby." He murmured softly before kissing me softly with so much love it made my heart swell. I smiled softly when he pulled back cupping his face as he held my waist. "Ok you two break it up." Ashton said sternly sounding like a dad as he crossed his arms across his chest while Luke pulled me away from Cal. "Ok dads please chill out," i whined trying to get back to Cal making grabby hands at him when Luke kept pulling me away. "Ex ca use me?!? We are not dads!!" Ashton exclaimed looking even more like a dad as his brows furrowed and he flexed his arms. "Ashy you and Luke have become overprotective gay dads ok I dont mean it in a bad way i just mean... Youre always checking on me and you kiss my forehead in a platonic way like a dad would... hell you flew across the world because I was sad, and NOW you wont let me be alone with m..." "You're boyfriend who walked away from you leaving you in the worst depressive state we've ever seen you in. Heather..." i pulled my hand back causing him to sigh, "Im overprotective of people I care about and you're one of those people and you have no idea what its like to sit back and feel helpless as a person you care about is so hurt she goes numb." He brought out his sad eyes as he hugged me to his chest. "The crying part wasn't even the worst part. When you went from crying to silent tears to that spaced out numb look was absolutely terrifying because the last time anyone saw you have that look was the day before Luke had to take you to the hospital for these..." he held my wrist with a sad look when he saw the bandanna. I quickly ripped my wrist from his grasp backing away. I shook my head backing into a corner as he seemed to stalk towards me like I was his prey that he was about to attack until Cal stepped in front of me. "Ash she said back off. I know I fucked up and she's forgiven me already so let it go." He turned holding me close as I held my arm to my chest. He cooed softly kissing my forehead as he swayed to a slow rhythm in his head. "And theres the Calum we know. Its about time he came back!" Luke exclaimed hugging Cal aggressively making him wince. "Hey hey be gentle with my boyfriend." I pushed Luke away hugging cal close, but I frowned when he flinched as I rubbed his back. I walked behind him gasping when I pulled his shirt up seeing the huge dark bruises on his back and ribs. I covered my mouth tearing up, "o oh my god cally." I backed up sliding down the wall shaking. My mind was racing with bad thoughts as I rubbed my eyes harsly trying to erase the images flashing behind my eyes. Dark purple splotches and puddles of red. I could hear the scary cracking sound of bones breaking and the gut wrenching sound of flesh ripping and being cut. Im sure my face was paler than normal as he crouched in front of me very gently rubbing my knee. It was just like the nights on the tour bus with Tyler. I kept seeing flashes of smoke and broken glass bottles littered through the bus, and I could hear the crashing of more glass breaking and loud swearing. My head was shaking and twitching as more flashes happened. I could feel arms pulling me into a chest to help me stop twitching but the flashes were just coming faster now until it was just Tyler with a drunken smirk and my eyes shot open as my whole body shook. "Angel.. angel hey its ok you're safe." I couldn't look up I just curled into a tiny ball covering my head. I hadn't had flashes like this since I very first met Alex. At least not while Im awake. These flashes were scarier than all the nightmares Ive ever had because they come out of nowhere and the make me freeze up. "Pretty girl can you look at me please?" Cal asked softly brushing the hair out of my face. My lip was trembling as I looked up. "Oh love..." it was Ashton who scooped me up. He knew what this look meant. He was the first one who saw me having the flashes beside Alex. He had sat in the hallway at the small apartment holding me and whispering soft comforting words. His voice and arms were like anchors bringing me back to the present every time. "Princess, just breathe for me, just like before its ok. You're safe with u..." "H he," I shook my head feeling the tears fall, "Ashy i i remember what he did." He had a pained look as he nodded. "I know you're scared angel but its ok he wont hurt you again I swear." His hand was holding my head to his shoulder as I cried quietly. "Shhhh baby we're all ok. Can you look at cal for me honey," I looked over to see him watching me with a sad look as he leaned over kissing my head. "Im ok pretty girl I swear." "And now Luke," Ash instructed softly as I looked over at Luke who had the same sad smile as he cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Well keep you safe if it kills us." "All of us." I heard Michael barely whisper as he rubbed my back with his fingertips the way I do for the guys when they're upset. I nodded slowly relaxing into Ashtons hug as my mind slowly calmed. I nuzzled closer and pressed my face into his neck more as my body relaxed into his embrace. All four of them whispering sweet things until I was nearly asleep again.

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