Ch 14

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I sat quietly on an equipment box watching the guys perform later that night pressed close to cals side. Ducking my head down every time Tyler would get close or Rian would look over. My mind was still in overdrive trying to understand what would cause Rian to push so hard for me to be around someone who could potentially hurt me more than I already am. And why even after everyone figured it out he hasnt said a thing instead he kept his head down all afternoon as if he was hiding from us.

I was jolted from my thoughts as security started pushing Cal and I back to the green room when the show was over and the fans were trying to storm the stage. I glared and slapped a few arms that prodded me to go faster as I hobbled down the hallway. I didnt notice i was biting my lip from the pain until i began to taste blood and stopped moving leaning against the wall trying my hardest to fight back tears. "C cal i cant please i need a break," I whimpered quietly trying to find a position that didnt leave my feet feeling like I was walking on a bed of nails. His face turned from anger to worry as he turned to me helping me sit on a bench a few feet away and carefully pulled my shoes off, "Im sorry love I was trying to get them too..." i could see the concern in his eyes before he even stopped. Then felt the tugging sensation on the bottom of my left foot as he tried to pull my sock off, and then the extreme pain when it started to pull away. I looked down with huge teary eyes as I saw that my feet had not only bled through the bandages but also through my sock. In what felt like seconds later I was surrounded by medics pouring water over my feet and pulling the dried on gauze away. And moments after that I was being driven to a hospital curled in a ball facing away from the medic riding with me shaking in terror.

Calums pov

To say I was livid would be the understatement of the year. I watched as the paramedics had to take heather to the hospital because her feet were so badly cut and not treated properly. Then stormed down to the dressing room steaming and clenching my fist walking straight up and punching Rian in the face as hard as I possibly could making sure to break his nose at the absolute least so that he could get at least a fraction of the pain shes dealing with. "IF YOU EVER AS MUCH AS TALK TO HER AGAIN RIAN I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET IT!" I screamed in his face as I grabbed mine and Heathers stuff driving to the ER making all the arrangements for both of us to leave as soon as she's discharged. By the time I walked in she was laying on the bed with her feet both wrapped in fluffy white bandages and propped up on pillows. "Oh honey its ok," I whispered brushing a few strands of hair out of her face gently. "C cal they s said I can l leave whenever someone signs me out but im not allowed to walk for a week," she barely whispered looking down at her feet. I nodded softly rubbing her arm, "ok bug Ill go do that and then were gunna head to the airport ok." Her nod was barely noticeable when I saw the deep sadness hidden in her eyes. "Its for the best ok sweetheart were gunna fly out to the others so we can take care of you for a few weeks," i mumbled and wrapped my jacket around her before walking out and signing the papers then coming back with a wheel chair. I hated how silent she was fir the entire trip and even when I carried her through the airport in London where the guys were waiting screaming when they saw us.

Still nothing but silence as she nuzzled her face into my neck more as if she was suddenly super shy around them. But I could feel her instantly tense up and her heart race when Ashton ran a gentle finger over her bandaged feet. "Shhh honey I'm not gunna hurt you I was just seeing if we needed to re bandage them," he cooed quietly kissing her head. I could feel my heart shatter more than it already was when she looked up with big puffy eyes from crying on the plane in her sleep. "Oh honey its ok weve got you," he cooed again taking her from my arms holding her close to him like a sad toddler rocking her a bit as we waited for security to give us the all clear to go to our van. I could hear Lukes soft voice singing to her after a bit combined with quiet sniffles I knew she was crying again. We all kept our heads down as we headed to the hotel. I was trying to stay quiet while explaining to ash how we needed to care for her so that we could tell the medics at the venues over the next few week in case we needed new supplies. Once we got into our suite Ash carried Heather over to the big plush bed tucking her under the covers. Luckily we had tonight and tomorrow off so her and I could sleep off the jet lag, and hopefully get her spirits raised a bit before the big London show on friday.

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