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-About a month later-

It was later in the evening as I slowly walked into Cals office. He had obviously fallen asleep during his last conference call as his head was buried in his arm as I crouched next to him. I very gently rubbed his shoulder and whispered. "Hey love," I tilted my head a bit so I could see as he opened his warm eyes. "Nnn fuck I must've fallen asleep." He sat back and stretched his arms way up exposing a bit of his stomach when his shirt rode up. He smirked and quickly pulled me over so I was straddling his lap causing me squeal. His hands lightly rubbing my thighs as he let out a soft breath. My fingers tracing over the designs on his soft t-shirt. He slowly moved his hands up to my shoulders pulling me forward so I was practically lying on his chest. "Hmm you smell like food. What did you cook for us?" His nose was buried in my neck kissing at my collarbone lightly. I shrugged and stood up pulling him downstairs before i tied one of his ties over his eyes. "Now just follow my voice ok. Since you couldn't actually go on our date tonight I brought the date to us." I kept giggling and giving directions until he was standing in the doorway to the dining room and disappeared into the kitchen pulling the old shirt I had covering the black dress off. I walked back in carefully taking the tie off his eyes. "Ok now you can look." I stood back a bit as he blinked a few times before going wide eyed. "Holy..." He scanned the candle lit room a few times before landing on me. "I feel hopelessly underdressed." I smirked a bit seeing him practically drooling as he reached a hand towards me. "Now Calum, you know theres no touching until after dinner. Now sit." I carefully pushed him into a chair at the table and started filling his plate with the various things i made. Once his plate was full I carefully sat in the chair next to his and put smaller portions on mine eating a few bites. "How did you do all of this. I wasn't on the call that long was I?" Poor thing he looked so confused and maybe a little overwhelmed as I held his hand. "Cal your call was about 2 hours and ended a little over an hour ago. I would have woken you sooner but each time I passed your office you just looked so peaceful." He nodded still looking around, but after a bit his cocky smirk came back as he looked at me. "I was right you are breath taking in that dress, and you already know I love your food." His confident demeanor rolling off in waves as we spent the next few hours eating and laughing. At some point we even slow danced barefoot on the back patio as the moon acted as a spotlight on us.

I was carrying one of the plates back to the sink when i began messing with the back of the dress that had been pinching me all night. "Hey woah your bleeding." Cals worried voice was right behind me as he took the plate and sat it down then walked behind me again. His gentle fingers carefully undoing the corset and pushing it aside as he places a rag to the raw area. "Honey, this whole area is completely raw. Why didn't you just wear something else or at least loosen the ties." He sounded so worried as he walked over to the laundry room grabbing one of his clean shirts helping me put it on before he pulled the dress off me. "I i see how you get that dark look in your eyes whenever its out and how you trace the soft fabric a and I wanted to see if it was just the dress or if it was me..." my bottom lip trembled as I looked down mumbling, "I just wanted to be pretty for you again." I dropped the dress to the floor before walking off. "Baby wait..." He quickly followed me and stopped me before I got to the stairs. "Honey, look at me," he pleaded softly trying to use his fingers to tilt my chin up. But when I turned my head away he crouched down a bit. "You, are the most beautiful woman in my life, ok. And i don't measure that beauty by what you wear. Just because I like how you look in something doesn't mean I like you any less in other things." He gently reached out taking my good hand placing it over his heart. "I love you no matter what you wear. My heart races like this just seeing you walk in a room, angel. You should've seen how bad the guys used to tease me when you'd leave or end a call with me because I would be bright red and flustered. Then you finally agreed to be mine and its like everything else in the world blurs away when you're in the same room as me. My heart pounds so hard I get scared itll fly right out of my chest, and my hands itch to reach out and pull you to me. To wrap my arms around you and keep you safe from the world... I liked that dress because you look elegant in it. Like a member of royalty that I got lucky enough to sweep away." His eyes were warm and soft as he sat back on the stairs pulling me onto his lap mumbling a soft "c'mere." "Youll always be my pretty girl, Heather." He whispered quietly pressing his forehead to mine. His fingers playing with the ends of the spandex workout shorts under the huge shirt he put on me. "But contrary to what you seem to think my favorite thing is when you wear my shirts. Especially to bed because then I get to see you in the morning with one side hanging off your shoulder," he gently tugged the right sleeve til it slipped off my shoulder smirking. "With your sleepy smiles and warm hugs when you wrap around me as I make coffee or breakfast." His voice was so full of fondness as he held me closer. After a moment of staring into my eyes his hands went under my hips holding me close carrying me up to the bedroom. I was squirming before he reached the door. "Calum we gotta put the candles out." He huffed and showed me the cameras from downstairs of his housekeeper cleaning everything up and the candles blown out already. I nodded curling around him from my spot behind him on the bed lightly kissing at his neck and shoulder nuzzling a bit. He was absolutely glowing when he turned back to me playing with the shirt again. His finger wiggling through a hole and tickling my side causing me to squeal and wiggle away instantly pouting when he uses the shirt to pull me back. "No no no pretty girl you cant get away from me that easy." He had that damned cocky smirk again as he held my hips carefully pulling me off the bed. His eyes had a beautiful sparkle to them that seemed to always put me in a trance. I stood there staring into his warm gorgeous eyes for a few minutes as his fingers traced soft shapes on the small of my back. But after a bit it was my turn to smirk as I leaned up on my tip toes whispering in his ear, "Hmm you wanna bet?" I quickly kissed him deeply with both hands cupping his face waiting until he was leaning into me as I slowly leaned back. Then I giggled pulling back and running to the guest room trying to hide. "Oi you little!! Thats not fairrrr," i could perfectly imagine his little pout and puppy eyes as I hid behind the open door. I coukdhear as he checked each room and when he walked in a few minutes later I jumped on his back leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Boo!! I win." He giggled and spun around running back to our room dropping me on the bed. I smiled and rolled to my stomach putting my feet in the air. "Whatcha doin'" I questioned softly when he started digging through the dresser giggling when Jaxx runs in and up his litte stairs onto the bed and lays on my butt. "Uh Calum i think your son likes my booty." He turned around and had a playful glare as he pretended to square up with the pup before scooping him up. He carried the pup as he walked around grabbing a few things before setting Jaxx on his bed before pulling me up the bed. "Hmm youre a little warm love," his voice was soft and rumbly and he felt my face. "M'fine i just wanna cuddle with my boyfriend for a while" i mumbled nuzzling into his chest curling as close as possible. "Cuz hes warm and gentle and sweet and he makes me feel better." I shyly peeked up feeling butterflies erupt when i see his grin before he sloppily kisses my forehead. The soft rumbles from his chest as he hummed quietly while playing with my hair quickly lulling me to sleep.

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