Ch. 34

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It must've been hours later that I woke up to the steady beeping of machines as the pain from everything hit me like a freight train. I put every ounce of effort into getting Cals attention when I noticed him looking away but all that came out was a breathy whine. He quickly turned around and my heart shattered seeing his red puffy eyes. "Oh my god baby.." he was at my side in half a second brushing the hair off my face and holding my hand tight kissing my knuckles. I tried so hard to move, but everything hurt so bad it just made a few tears fall as I leaned into his hand that was caressing my cheek. "Shhh sweetheart does anything hur... ok ok I um ill..." I could see the conflict in his eyes when I nodded then gripped his hand tighter. Luckily a nurse walked in at that moment and quickly turned calling a doctor in. He looked familiar but my fuzzy brain just couldn't seem to place him as he checked over my body. "Good news is shes ok. Nothing life threatening, just a few bad cuts and some bruises." He came up looking at my throat having me tilt my head a bit and drink some water. "Can you try to talk for me miss..." "c calloway" I rasped quietly only wincing a bit. "Thats what I was hoping. These are just external bruises. Ill get something that should help with the pain and make them fade faster. We also bandaged her knee and shoulder and did xrays on her hand. The break has healed but there is slight nerve damage. I can refer you to a physical therapist who could try therapy or we can try plastic surgery if you want." He was talking more to Cal now but my head was still swimming with information. The fuzziness came back as the nurse pushed a syringe of something into my IV and I began to feel like I was floating.

I smiled when I woke up again and I was curled into Cals side. I left light kisses on his shoulder hugging his waist as tight as my weak arms could snuggling into his warmth. "Hmmm a sweet cuddly baby. What a wonderful thing to wake up to." He was smiling too as he kissed my head. But his face got serious after a bit and before he could say anything I covered his mouth whispering. "Don't." His eyes softened a bit before his kissed my forehead mumbling quietly, 'don't deserve you'. A few small sounds akin to baby whimpers escaped my mouth as I tried to curl onto his chest a bit more. It wasnt until the blanket fell off me that I realized I only had one of Lukes extra large shirts on and my legs were exposed. I was a bit curious and slowly sat up examining my body. My knee was wrapped in gauze but wasn't hurting and my hand only hand a small glove like brace on it now. For as beaten and sore as I felt i really didn't look that bad. "Doesn't look bad but the doctor said youll be sore for a while. They had to deep clean your knee because of gravel getting stuck in it. And your shoulder had shards of glass pretty deep in the gash. Your throat is already looking so much better tho." Cals voice was softer than normal as his feather light touch grazed over each area he talked about. I thought nothing of it until I felt his tears dripping on my shoulder when he very lightly kissed my neck. "Cal i..." "shhh, I know you're ok now. That was just one of the scariest moments of my life." I could hear him take a deep shaky breath as he gently pulled me back into his side and laced our fingers together. "After you fell you practically left a blood trail to the beach that Luke, Ash, and I followed. I wanted to stay back because I knew you were scared of me at that moment but when I saw his hand around your throat and how absolutely terrified you looked..." he shook his head holding my waist a bit tighter. "Luke charged at him and held him down until the cops showed up and took that asshole to jail for assault. But I wasnt fast enough to get to you. You had already blacked out by the time I reached you. There was blood running down your chin from biting your lip and your throat was already bruised." I turned as best as I could so I could hug Calum sensing how truly upset he was. "Im s sorry Cally. I should've j just let you b b buy food I'm sorry." Guilt was a huge softball sized knot deep in my chest, and I felt like I would choke on it feeling more of his tears drip onto my shoulder. "No baby no shhhh please don't cry please," he begged softly while rubbing my back, but it was too late. Everything hit me all at once as a moment later I was sobbing into his chest as my heart monitor went crazy causing a crowd of nurses to rush in. Each nurse that rushed in Cal would wave away, but one of the doctors hung back watching quietly as I cried and cried until all I could do was sniffle and whimper. Then she walked forward a bit. "Hi Im Dr. Hawkins Im the resident psy..." I shook my head as soon as she started to say psychiatrist. "I i already have a psychiatrist d dont need another telling me m'b broken." I mumbled quietly. "Miss Calloway I just wanted to check on you because I know you had a very traumatic day yesterday and what your ex did was scary. And what just happened was normal. Sometimes it takes us a bit to really process what happens in events like yours and when it does all you can do is ride the emotional wave. It doesn't mean you're broken. If anything it means you're incredibly strong that you held it together so well through everything that you've dealt with. Now I talked with your dad and older brother out in the waiting room and they'll take you home in a little while, but Id like to have a follow up psych eval in two weeks. Nothing big, just a chance for me to see how you cope with everything. Because events like this can have severe emotional side effects." I nodded staring silently at cals hand tangled with with mine focusing on the slight scratchiness of his thumb rubbing the back of mine. "Bug?" My head jerked up hearing Lukes scared voice as he stepped in carrying the cutest stuffed turtle Id ever seen. Instead of saying anything I held my arms open for him sighing contently when he sat on the other side of the small bed holding me close. "Im so fucking glad youre ok. I swear our lawyers are going to bury that asshoke for a very VERY long time." I nodded curling into his hug more nuzzling into his shoulder. One of his large hand splayed against my back holding me close to him. "Y you saved me lukey.. th thank you." I whispered looking up with teary eyes kissing his cheek. "Oh honey Ill always save you I swear. But everything will be ok now, I promise. Alex is signing your discharge papers right now then well take you hone so you can be in a more comfy bed yeah?" I nodded and he helped me lay back into Calum again tucking the turtle under my arm.

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