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It broke my heart to wake up to Heathers soft whimpers as she tried to walk to the bathroom the next morning. "Oh sweetheart let me help you," I cooed softly running over to her carrying her to the bathroom. I set her down gently helping her get changed and put her in my extra clothes and jacket so shed be warm, and walked back out to the room to pack as she did her business. I was pulled  from my thoughts when there was loud knocking on the door. I was shocked to see Alex there with one of the tour medics and a her special blanket. "Uh hey?" He said quietly leading the medic in pulling stuff out.

Heathers pov

I was shocked when I hobbled out seeing alex waiting a sad smile on his face as he walked over. "Hey hun its gunna be ok well get you all fixed up ok. And tomorrow you'll go with Calum back to Europe," he said softly guiding me to the bed where the medic began unwrapping and checking my feet. Whimpers and tears falling from me as he continued to pull debris from the gashes. "Wwhats going on Alex why are you sending me away what d did I do wrong," I whispered my anxiety making my chest constrict. Even more when he looked at cal. "Cal please bubby whats going on?" I was starting to panic as he sat next to me pulling his Ipad out pulling up a bunch of articles about tyler. "Yeah so I found these a while ago when I did research on them before the tour II knew he had problems... w wait y you think h hes st till... B but Ri trusts him" i looked down scooting closer to Calum curling into him when he puts an arm around me. "Sweetheart if Tyler hid this from all of us whats to say hes hiding anything else? Like did he even tell you that he has alcohol and drug issues?" He said calmly rubbing my side comforingly. I shook my head softly getting breif flashbacks of the empty bottles scattered all over the Issues bus and the continuous stench of weed and other smoke. My head falling as the others watched me. "B but Rian wanted me around h him... H he.." I couldn't understand why Rian would let me be around Tyler if he would hurt me. It made no sense Ri was always the protective one. I hid my face looking down shaking as Rian walked in trying to back away from him. "No no no d dont t t touch me," i whimpered. I backed up further onto the bed clenching my teeth as my feet drug over the rough fabric hiding myself from him. "Hey hey Im not gunna hurt you," he said softly stepping towards me as i started to shake cowering away from him. I could feel my entire body tensing and my breathing getting too fast as black spots clouded my vision the anxiety crushing me like a boa constrictor. Within moments Rian was pushed away as Calum held me close humming in the same way Luke does. His fingers weaving through my hair for just a minute before he wrapped a blanket tightly around me holding me close as the medic pulled one arm out giving me a shot of emergency anti anxiety medication. I slowly relaxed slumping into Cal with droopy eyes. "Thats it sweetheart just breathe for me," he said softly holding me close as he scooted back laying down again. I could hear someone throwing all of my things into a backpack and then i could feel them pushing my feet into shoes. "Okay hun were gunna take you to the bus for now until after the show ok? That way were all close by." Alex said softly as Calum carried me out and to the bus. My brain was so foggy now all I could do was snuggle closer to Calum as he carried me to the back of the bus holding me close before I fell asleep.

I woke up later hearing the quiet clicks of someone typing on their phone and rubbed my eyes sitting up smiling softly seeing Cal sat up playing with his phone and hobbled over to him. "H hi cally," I said softly sitting next to him. He smiled looking up kissing my forehead pulling me into his side.

"How ya feeling sweetheart?"

"Well besides cramps im ok i guess"

"You guess?"

"Well im still trying to wrap my head around  everything" i finished looking down the whole situation playing over and over in my head.

"Oh, well you know we wont let you get hurt right Im gunna talk to Rian later ok."

I nodded curling into his side nuzzling close.

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