Ch. 26

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A few hours later I was curled up petting Jaxx looking out the window watching the rain. My mind was silent but my heart still felt heavy as Cal stayed holed up in the guest room and Michael left after I stopped crying saying his fiancé needed to talk to him. So I was alone, and my heart felt that. I could feel my chest getting tight as I carried Jaxx up to the guest room knocking softly. "Cal please... I i need you." My voice was shaky as I finally admitted to myself that I needed help. When the door opened he looked surprised, and I backed away shaking my head. "N n nevermind s sorry i..." but he cut me off setting Jaxx on the floor and hugging me to his chest kissing my head. "Never ever apologize for saying you need me... Because god damnit I need you too." He cupped my face staring deep in my eyes. "I love you more than anything Heather, and I'd do anything for you." His rough thumb rubbing my cheek lightly before his hand reached around pressing my head to his shoulder swaying a bit. I hissed a bit when his other hand held my hip tight. My eyes went wide and I backed away quickly shaking my head. But instead of looking upset he put both hands up like he was surrendering. "Breathe pretty girl its ok," he stepped back sitting on the edge of the bed. I nodded and fidgeted a bit picking at my shorts barely noticing where one side was stuck to my hip. "I-it um it was during those days at Alex's..." i looked at the floor shaking. I couldn't look at Calum  as I curled in a on myself and my lip quivered. I jumped a bit when the bed creaked as he stood up. "Im not going to hurt you angel. And i wont force you but I wanna see them." His voice was shaky and he sounded like he was going to cry. The pain didn't bother me at all as I peeled the shorts away not even flinching when the scab pulled away. A few drops of red dripping down my thigh as he gently pressed some gauze to them. "Th-those are pretty deep honey." He sounded sad but more steady now as he squatted next to me. His nimble fingers worked quickly to use butterfly bandages to pull the gashes together and spread antiseptic on it before covering them with gauze again. Then he helped me change into a loose pair of his sweats before holding me close again. "P please dont tell L..." i looked up seeing Luke behind him with teary angry eyes. "Luke pl.." "YOU FUCKING PROMISED!!" He screamed before walking out slamming the door causing my heart to shatter into dust. I whimpered and my knees gave out and I crawled under the bed hiding.

It felt like hours later that Ashton was crawling in front of me pulling me out from under the bed as I cried harder. "Baby girl you gotta breathe," he whispered as his fingers running through my hair as he held me close. "Shhhhh, honey he's just scared none of us want to lose you, but especially not him." "H h he's right ashy I- I broke everything again" i sobbed into his shoulder crumbling completely. His arms held me tighter to his chest kissing my head as Cal rubbed my back after literally dragging Luke with him. I barely peeked up before losing it and crying so hard it made me sick as I crawled over to the garbage can throwing up what little I had in my stomach until it was nothing but acid coming up and I was getting dizzy. Gentle fingers held my hair back as someone wiped my mouth. I was too weak to fight back as someone scooped me up carrying me to my room wrapping around me on the huge bean bag chair. They wrapped my fluffy blanket around me keeping me close to them as their warmth and soothing heartbeat helped me fall asleep.

I gasped as I woke up breathing hard and sat up. I was so confused looking around at a room Id never seen before, and Calum asleep shirtless next to me. I slowly laid back wracking my brain for any details on how I got here but i was startled when he rolled towards me kissing my cheek. "Good morning pretty girl." His eyes sparkled and his smile was warm. "Cal how did..." "I drove us to Vegas while you were sleeping so we can have a vacation," he chuckled lacing our fingers together. I just hummed and scooted closer tucking myself into him as his arms wrapped around me. "You had another bad dream, huh?" I nodded playing with his hand snuggling closer. "I um I had relapsed during the weekend i stayed at Alexs and Luke found out and I shattered. Like big time," my voice was barely a whisper as I kissed his chest a few times. He nodded kissing my head and rubbing my back reassuringly. "Well sweetheart none of that happened, anndddd..." he trailed off rolling back to grab something from the bedside table. "I scheduled for us to have a couples spa day." I nodded and sighed for a second then giggled feeling wiggling at our feet. "Oh my goodness you brought my baby too... you definitely get boyfriend of the year now." I smiled widely kissing his cheek before pulling Jaxx up to cuddle with us. "Yaknow he reminds me of you when we first met. There was a reason why I always called you pup." I mumbled fondly. He leaned against my shoulder holding me close kissing my neck softly and hummed, "yeah Luke used to get so jealous that you gave me a nickname but not him at first and he didn't get that you were basically teasing me for being hyper and cuddly." "It wasn't necessarily teasing you for that more like just pointing out that you were like a puppy. You were adorable and hyper and cuddly and youre the first person that actually had a puppy eyed pout that got to me because it was too damn cute." I smiled fondly at the memories of when we first became friends. Like the first time I hung out with just cal and he'd used the cutest puppy eyed pout to get me to try indoor skydiving with him.  Or a few weeks later when Id gone to Hawaii with him and Ash and he somehow convinced me to swim with sharks using the same pout. "It wasnt fair how cute you looked with your squishy lil cheek dimples and precious lil puppy eyes a... NOOOO DONT BRING IT BACKKKK" i whined covering my eyes when he made the same cute face. But he just leaned over kissing my hands and holding me closer giggling. "You're honestly the cutest and sweetest boyfriend ever."

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