Ch. 30

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About a week later I was driving Cal and I to my house humming along to the new song from Simple Creatures. His hand was resting on my knee gently squeezing it occasionally until I pulled up to he small house. "I know its a bit small b..." "Hey it's beautiful sweetheart." He cut me off and followed me out of the car. I didn't even bother with getting the suitcases just ran up the front steps unlocking the front door. It may have been a small place but it was home and definitely smelled like it as I walked to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes with a fond look seeing the plate of obviously hot from the oven chocolate turtle cookies. "Alex and Lisa must've been here th.. EEE!" I squealed when I was hugged from behind as Lisa walked around in front of me. "Welcome home!!!" I heard a thud and the Cal was running in. "Woah you guys cant do that!" He yelled gently taking me from Alex as I sneakily stole a cookie from the counter feeding him a piece. "Its ok Lisa made her famous cookies. Although I would kinda like an empty house next time." I giggled quietly with a pointed look at Alex. "Ok, ok, I was still a bit worried so I wanted to check on you because while yes you're an adult I'm kinda still legally responsible for you." I nodded still munching on the cookie blushing when he mutters something about me eating. "She's actually doing really good with that... The nightmares on the other ha.." I reached up shoving the cookie in Cals mouth to cut him off giving him a stern look. He quickly swallowed as Alex pulled me aside. "You said it..." "I really don't wanna talk about it Alex, please?" I sighed hugging my chest staring at the floor as he hugged me gently. "I'll make you a deal. Ill drop it for right now and we'll let you two relax but if I find out you had more nightmares Im calling your therapist." Sighing I nodded and walked back nuzzling into Cals chest as he cooed and held me close whispering, "Hi beautiful ." His soft touches helping me relax more as I heard the other two grab their things. Alex hugged us both gently patting my back before they left and Cal pulled back a bit. "Id carry you to bed but I have no idea where anything is."

I giggled a bit and grabbed his hand kissing it softly pulling him back to the front door. "Ok well you've seen most of the first floor. The only thing you've missed is the half bath under the stairs but you can look at it later." I explained as we walked upstairs. "N now like I said its small so this is basically just a closed in loft but Zack helped me renovate it a bit s so..." i trailed off nervously opening the door. I sighed smiling a tiny bit walking over to the big bed seeing my blanket folded with the Teddy bear Jack gave me. "A alex must've brought all my stuff from the tour here." I held the bear close as Cal walked in looking around at the pin boards and polaroid pictures I had strung up on fairy light strings. "You're room is beautiful and completely unique like you." He was still walking around looking at everything on the walls when I came out of my bathroom a bit later after a long hot shower. I walked over hugging him from behind as he looked at a collage of polaroids from the first summer I hung out with the guys. "You guys were all so cute and sweet back then." I kissed the back of his shoulder and nuzzled into it a bit. "You have a beautiful house baby, but why did you hide it from us? I mean obviously the All Time Low guys know about it." It was much more complex than his question made it seem. I sat on the floor pulling a box out from under the bed. "After living In LA with Alex for so long when he came back here Lisa didn't really want me living with them, but Alex still wanted me close. He was scared of leaving me alone across the country so when he flew back he found this place. It was a mess when we first got it. That whole wall wasn't there and there was no closet up here. But Zack flew out and within a week or so we had closed it in and made a very cozy home. The reason I never told you guys was because this is like a safe house for me. If I need to escape I can come here and virtually disappear because the only people who know about it are the atl guys, Lisa, and now you." I had pulled out the photo album I made from the whole reno process showing cal the various stages and the pranks we pulled on each other. I giggled pointing to the wall that had a big tie dye blanket hanging over it. "That wall still has a "Zack shadow" from where i had tried to mix the paint with a power drill and it exploded, a and over here..." I walked over the where my rolling makeup shelves were moving them. "He and Alex signed the wall as a joke and made me initial under it." He was watching me fondly as I pointed out more stuff, but as I passed in front of him again he grabbed my waist pulling me onto his lap. He listened and hummed as I explained the different stages of the renovation and why the guys have clothes here.

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