Part 05

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After five long years she is back in Mumbai, actually in a few minutes she will be in Mumbai. She had come back to India last week, was in Kolkatta till now. Now she has to move to Mumbai. The last time she had been here was with Shaurya. It still hurt something fierce when she thinks about Shaurya and what he did to her. Maybe it is because he was the only man who had touched her heart and soul. Or it might be because of his betrayal. Or it might be because she still loved him like she loved him five years ago.

She hears someone stirring next to her. She turned to her sleeping daughter and adjusted her blanket around her. And realized maybe she never forgot him because of her daughter. Her daughter looked like her, except for her eyes, which were Shaurya's eyes. At times she could feel as if Shaurya was looking at her through her daughter's eyes. Even though her daughter had her looks, in behavior she was her father's daughter. And realized that the one reason she could never hate Shaurya was because he gave her Sahasra, their daughter- the only happiness of her life now. She again looked out the window, and realized that they were about to land now.

After they had landed, she waited for the passengers crowded in the aisle to leave. Once they had cleared out, she rose and picked up Sahasra slowly so as not to wake her up.

"She slept?"

Madhu looked up to see the handsome man standing next to her.

Madhu: "The moment we got in the plane."

Sultan starts smiling: "So that means she is going to stay up all night and won't let either of us sleep."

Madhu dreadfully: "Oh God!!!"

Sultan starts laughing, and starts taking their handbags.

Next day morning

Sultan and Madhu were having breakfast.

Sultan: "So what are your plans for today?"

Madhu: "I am going for job hunting."

Sultan: "What about Sahasra?"

Madhu: "I thought of dropping her off at Maya's house."

Sultan: "Actually I will be free after 12, so just drop her off at my office."

Madhu starts smiling: "That's great"

After sometime, Madhu drops off Sahasra at Maya's house and goes to companies for interviews. It was around 11:15 and she still didn't have any luck. So decided to drop off Sahasra at Sultan's office and then try again. She takes an auto and gives the driver the address.

The driver drops her off at the opposite side of the road and leaves. Madhu starts running across the road, and suddenly she hears honking and then a car coming to halt. Before the driver could start screaming at her, she ran again and reached the other side of the road and went into the house.

Few minutes later, she came out with Sahasra.

Sahasra: "Mama I am hungry."

Madhu: "After we reach Sullupoo's office, we will eat."

Madhu starts looking around for an auto.

Sahasra sadly: "But my stomach is paining."

Madhu smiles tenderly: "Let me see if I have a chocolate with me."

Madhu starts looking through her purse, at the same time looks around for an auto. And suddenly she saw a man on the opposite side of the road and she just caught a glimpse of him, before he got into his car and thought she had seen Shaurya. Madhu tries to see his face, but then the car drives off.

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