Part 21

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RKtells her about how she had let him without any questions. Hearingthis Madhu sighs "Sassy had asked me to tell Dipali that herfriend might come for visit and to let him in."


Madhu looks at RK for a while, thinking about how much he cared for Sahasra and she couldn't help wonder what he would do if he ever found out that she was his daughter. No, he would never find it out. Whatever it takes her, she would hide it from him.

Suddenly Madhu noticed that RK was leaning on the wall next to Sultan's bedroom. She started getting tensed, what if the door accidentally opens and he looks inside, then he would see jeeju's photo with di and Adi. The room was full of their photos. Madhu immediately moves towards the door and pulls on the handle to make sure it is closed,but it was not locked. She had to send him away as soon as possible."Is there anything else?" she asked him a little too rudely.

"No...You're coming to office right? Come, we will go together." RK said, and his tone and look suggested that she better not argue with him over this. Madhu sighs "Okay, you go down, I will come now."RK nods and was about to walk off when he noticed that she was still holding onto the door handle. "What room is that?" he asked out of curiosity.

Madhu goes pale and starts stammering "Woh..woh... this..." then taking a deep breath "Why do u want to know? Go down, I said that I am coming right?" RK looks at her suspiciously for awhile and shrugs and walks off.

RK was sitting with Sahasra as she ate her breakfast.

"Did you have breakfast, Rishu?" Sahasra suddenly asked him concerned. "No."

"Why?"she asks him curiously, then before he could answer she takes a spoonful of cereal and offers it to him "Here eat." RK smiles and eats it. And then Sassy continued to feed him as she ate.

Suddenly,RK heard a sound and looked up to notice that Madhu was locking that room. Maybe it was because of all the Saas Bahu he had watched before, that he was suspicious about what could be in that room? Was she trying to hide something from him? He looked at Sassy as soon as Madhu went back into her room.

"Sassy,what room is that?" he asks her as he points towards that room,Sassy immediately looks at the room and replies "Sullupoo sleeps there. That is his room." RK was confused; Madhu's clothes and accessories had been in the other room, which Sassy had said is hers.But if that was Sassy's room, then why were Madhu's things there and not with Sultan's. He had assumed that Sassy slept with her parents but now he was confused. He looks at Sassy and asks her "Where does Mama sleep?"
"In my room." RK's heart skips a beat.


"Why?What why?" Sassy asks confused.

"Why does Mama sleep there and not with Sullupoo?"
"Why would Mama sleep with Sullupoo? Mama likes sleeping with me." Sassy informed him confidently.

RK starts smiling, Madhu and Sultan didn't share a room and that meant one thing, she could never forget him. A part of him always knew that she could never forget him and move on with Sultan. RK immediately got up from his chair and was about to run to his Madhu in joy.
"Where are you going Rishu?" RK immediately turns back to see Sassy looking at him. And he stopped. Sahasra. She is Sultan's daughter. But then Sultan and Madhu didn't share a room. What if they shared a room before?What if they have never shared a room? What if they have never consummated their relation? Then, Sahasra? RK remembers the time he had spent with Madhu in that hotel. And that was 5 years ago, and his heart skipped a beat again when he realized that Sassy was 4 years old. Could she be? Could she? Could she be his? RK's eyes starts filling with tears as he walked towards Sahasra who was looking at him questioningly as he never answered her question. He immediately picks her up in his arms and kisses her and hugs her tight.

"What happened, Rishu?" Sassy asked him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. RK shakes his head in negative "Nothing,baby. Why don't you eat? I will come now." RK set her down on the chair and walked towards Madhu's room and stopped midway. He knew if he confronted her, she would never accept it, if Sassy was his daughter, she would have told him if she ever wanted him to know, but she didn't. And she might never will, as she is married. But then he had to find out. If Sassy was his, he had every right to call her his. He lost Madhu, but he was not going to lose Sassy.

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