Part 27

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She closed her eyes to shut it out, when he repeated his long ago words "No matter what happens or no matter what the whole world says, for me, you are my wife." as the words washed over her, Madhu slouches in defeat. RK loosen his hold on her and slowly runs his hands up her arms towards her neck to her cheeks all the while Madhu was trembling as she tried to fight back the sob. RK brushes his thumbs over her lips and she slightly parts her lips and he leans down and tenderly kisses her. As his lips touched hers, Madhu froze for a moment as that familiar feeling, yearning and desire ran through her. He kissed her like he had kissed her always, a kiss filled with desire, need, possessiveness and love. As he deepened the kiss losing, herself in it she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back in equal yearning.

"RISHU!" RK and Madhu jerked apart from the passionate kiss as they heard Sassy call out for him. Madhu looks at RK in shock realizing what she had done while RK looks at her in a passionate yearning. Not being able to hold on to his gaze Madhu looks away as her mind filled with confusions. RK angrily runs his hand through his hair. "RISHU!" Sassy calls out again; RK comes out of the gazebo and sees Sassy standing right outside the games room looking for him. "Sassy." RK calls her and she immediately looks at his side and comes running to him and puts her hands out for him to pick her up and RK immediately complies with a smile. "My tokens got over." Sassy says disappointedly. RK smiles "Do you want to get more?" Sassy nods her head "I want to play more." "Sahasra, it is late. We have to go home." Madhu suddenly comes out and tells her. "We are going?" Sassy asks sadly. "Yes." Madhu says without looking at Shaurya, knowing very well that he would be watching her. "But I want to Play." Sassy pouts. "It's really late now. We will come another day." Madhu lies. "You promise?" "Yes." "Okay." Sassy agrees half heartedly. Madhu takes Sassy into her arms. "Mama I am hungry." Sassy informs her. "Have dinner, then we will leave." RK tells them, and to avoid further conversations RK turns to Sassy "Where is Omi?" "He is Playing. He has one more token." She replies. "Okay. You go have dinner I will get Omi by then." RK walks off saying that, Madhu watches him walking off, trying to figure him out. Of lately he has become one enigma for her.

Madhu was feeding Sassy as she knew if Sassy eats by herself then they would be here for a long time and she just wanted to leave from there as soon as possible. As she was feeding Sassy, she notices Shaurya walking in with Omi who was scanning the room for her. He notices her and was about to come to her when Kanya appeared out of nowhere and started talking to him. She was pestering him for something and he seemed to be not interested, but after a while he gives in after a dramatic sigh. Madhu wonders what the whole deal was about and she didn't have to wait for long to find out what it was. He was going to sing, Kanya announced that. Madhu was kind of happy that he was going to sing which meant that he won't be able to leave for a while and she decided to leave quickly as she was not ready to talk to him yet. As Sassy finished eating, Madhu cleaned her up and was about to leave when Sassy realized that Rishu was going to sing and had wanted to stay back and hear his song. "Please Mama." Sassy makes her puppy face. Madhu could never say no to her daughter, so ended up staying back. Sassy excitedly looks at Rishu as she waited for him to sing, and RK looks at Madhu and then at Sassy and smiles at her sadly.

[Link to Hoton Se Choolo]

Hoton Se Choolo Tum Mera Geet Amar Kar Do

Hoton Se Choolo Tum Mera Geet Amar Kar Do

Ban Jao Meet Mere Meri Preet Amar Kar Do

Hoton Se Choolo Tum Mera Geet Amar Kar Do

RK looks at Madhu as he starts singing, and she immediately looks away.

Na Umr Ki Seema Ho Na Janm Ka Ho Bandhan

Na Umr Ki Seema Ho Na Janm Ka Ho Bandhan

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