Part 04

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RK and Madhu are packing, actually Madhu trying to pack with RK keep pulling her for a kiss every 10 seconds. 

RK nibbling on Madhu's neck: "We will stay for one more day." 

Madhu: "No way, then someone will get suspicious." 

RK signs and pull back, and turns to pack again, and he looks at the bed. 

RK: "I don't want to go back." 

Madhu looks at the bed: "Me too." 

RK: "Now, if I have to get you for myself, then I will have to wait for the wedding?" 

Madhu smiles: "Yes!!!" 

RK: "Damn Ranbir and Kanya!! They are so lucky!!!" 

Madhu starts laughing. 

Madhu opens her bag and takes out a chain. 

Madhu: "Shaurya" 

RK: "Yeah?" 

Madhu makes RK face her, and puts the chain on his neck. 

RK: "Whats this?" 

Madhu: "This is for you." 

RK looks down at the chain, and can't help but think that it was the ugliest chain he has ever seen in his life and the only saving grace was that the chain was so long that the huge locket hung right above his stomach, so it will be well hidden inside his shirt. Madhu as if reading his thoughts: "I know it is ugly." RK gives her a sheepish grin. "But this was Papa's chain. He gave it to Mom when he fell in love with her, and she gave it to me before she died to give it to the man I love." 

RK smiles: "Thank you." 

Madhu: "So you have to wear it all the time, as long as you wear it, I will know you will love me." 

RK gives her a horrified look. 

Madhu starts laughing: "Relax Shaurya, I was just teasing you. You don't have to wear it all the time." 

RK starts smiling: "I will die for a smile of yours, Madhu. So do you really think that I won't wear a chain which is so important to you? This will always be with me," with an evil glint "and the day I give it back to you or stop wearing it, you should realize that I don't love you anymore, and you should get off my back" 

Madhu starts laughing: "I am waiting with bated breath for that day." 

RK: "Then you will die due to suffocation because that day will never come." 

RK pulls Madhu close and starts kissing her again. 

Back at home 

Malik: "I told you, that you are not going!!" 

Madhu: "I will go!!" 

Malik: "After, what she did, how can you say that you want to see her again." 

Madhu: "Because she is my sister and I love her." 

Malik: "And I don't mean anything to you??" 

Madhu: "You know that's not true!!!" 

Malik: "I don't want you to meet her." 

Madhu: "What was her mistake Papa? That she loved someone? Or that she refused to ruin another man's life by marrying him and loving someone else?" 

Malik: "I don't want to talk about her. She chose someone else over us when she made her decision." 

Madhu: "Okay, I won't talk about her. But tell me this why was jeeju so unacceptable to you? Why did u think that jeeju was not good enough for di?" 

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