Part 11

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Madhu was watching Sahasra with Shaurya, she didn't know for how long she has been standing there, all she knew was that, all that she had wanted, ever since Sahasra was born is right there in front of her, her Shaurya with their Sahasra. As she watched Sahasra sleeping in his arms without any care in the world, she also wanted to find refuge in his arms. Be with him, live that life he had once promised her, live that life she had once dreamt of, live that life she still yearn for. As she watched them, she felt something on her cheek; she slowly put her finger there, and felt wetness, that's when she realized that she was crying. Wiping her tears, she slowly walked towards them. When she stopped next to them, as if breaking out of a trance, RK looked at her.

RK in a very emotional tone: "You have the most beautiful daughter in the world, Madhu."
He slowly places another kiss on Sahasra's forehead . As if in a trance, Madhu kneels down and kisses Sahasra exactly where he had kissed her. And then, she puts her forehead on Sahasra and stays there. RK slowly puts his hand around Madhu, and Madhu without even realizing moves towards him, till her head was resting on his chest. RK bends down and kisses Madhu on top of her head, and then closes his eyes and rests his head on top of hers pulling Madhu and Sassy more closer to him. With Madhu and Sassy in his arms, RK felt complete, he felt alive, he felt as if he was finally home. He felt content. All Madhu could do when Shaurya pulled her closer to him was pray that he never let go. She had missed being in his arms, she had missed his warmth, she had missed his love, she had missed his kiss, she had missed him. Being with him with their daughter, she felt as if her family was finally complete, she felt complete. Now, holding the two people that somehow meant the world to them, somehow meant a part of them, RK and Madhu felt content. In that few seconds, RK and Madhu forgot the loneliness of the last five years, the pain and the betrayal, and tried to live their whole life in this moment till the real world intruded on them.

They came back to their sense when Madhu's cell started ringing. Madhu immediately jerked back and moved out of her cocoon, that's when she realized where she was, and what she was doing. She looked around to find some people staring at them. She looked at Shaurya, and he was looking at her with lot of pain in his eyes. She somehow couldn't look into his eyes, she turned immediately and picked up her cell. It was Trishna who had called to inform her that Sultan has boarded and he will reach home at night.

The moment Madhu had moved out of his arms, RK felt as if Sassy and he were being abandoned. And when she had turned her face away from him, the fear of being alone started filling his heart. He knew she is married, she has a daughter, he knew what he was going to do is wrong, a sin, but with a determination never before, he decided to make her his again. And this time, he was not going to give up.

When Madhu came back, he had finished paying the bill, and was ready to leave with Sahasra in his arms, and his coat hung on his right arm. Madhu comes to take Sahasra from him.
RK: "I just want to hold her for some more time."
Madhu reluctantly nodes her head and they walk out.

It was as if, someone up above was waiting for them to come right in the middle of the road, as it started raining heavily the moment they reached the divider in the middle of the road. RK immediately put his coat over Sassy in order to keep her dry, but Sahasra had woken up and started crying. RK immediately tried to console her, and when Madhu was about to take Sahasra, RK grabbed Madhu's hand and started running towards their office compound, and took her straight to the underground car park. Now that, they were sheltered from the rain, they were able to quite down Sahasra, and soon she went back to sleep. RK immediately opened the back door of his car, and laid down Sahasra there on the back seat.
RK: "Madhu, wait here. I will go get my laptop and come, then I will drop you home."
Madhu: "No, I will go..."
RK: "It doesn't look like the rain will stop anytime now."
RK starts walking towards the lift.
Madhu: "Can you get my bag, it is there on my table?"
RK: "Okay."
When he turned back only, he noticed his driver staring at Madhu. He turned and looked at Madhu, and realized that her sari was clinging to her body in a provocative manner. He remembers all the passionate moments spent with her, he starts walking towards her. Somehow sensing what he was thinking, Madhu suddenly starts pulling on her sari to look more decent and less provocative. RK reaches next to her and looks at her, sees her uncomfortable look. Then with a sigh he puts his coat over her. Then he looks at his driver.
RK: "You can go!"
Driver nodes, and walks off. RK stood there till he was sure that his driver left, then he walked back to the lift. Once, he went into Madhu's cabin and took her bag, and walked into his cabin and took his laptop when he saw his suitcase which has his necessity items packed for emergency trips. He opens it and takes out a pair of jeans and shirt and changes into that, and takes a towel and starts wiping his head while walking out then he stopped and walked back and took a t-shirt from it and walked out.

Madhu was waiting for him near his car. He walked towards her, and gave her the towel and her bag, and while she wiped herself, he opened the back door of his car, put his laptop inside and picked up Sassy and started removing her clothes without waking her up. Once he had removed the wet clothes, he waited for Madhu to pass the towel back, and started wiping Sassy. Madhu was watching this in shock, when she realized that, he was having difficulty in holding Sahasra and wiping her at the same time without waking her up. She walked towards him, and took the towel from him and started wiping her daughter. Once that is done, he takes the t-shirt he brought and puts it on Sahasra. He looks at Madhu, and sees that she was watching him.
RK: "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Madhu: "You are a great father."
After she said it only, she realized what she had said, and she goes pale.
RK confused: "You mean, I will be a great father."
Madhu: "Er... er... what kind of a father you are, is always in you. So you don't have to be a father to behave like one."
RK gives her a confused look, as he clearly didn't understand what she had just said. But just shrugs it off.
RK: "Thanks."
He puts Sassy back in the car, and opens the front door for Madhu and once she sits inside, he runs to the other side and gets in and starts driving.

Due to the rain, everyone was driving very slowly. With Sahasra still sleeping at the back, Madhu and RK lost in their thoughts, it was complete silence inside the car.
RK: "Did Sassy wanted to go for the movie? I am sorry; I didn't know she was even there. I am really sorry."
Madhu confused: "Sassy?"
RK grins: "Sahasra is kinda long"
Madhu defensively: "I like the name."
RK: "What does it mean?"
Madhu hesitates a little: "A new beginning."
RK nodes to let her know that he heard her.

After sometime.
RK: "Was it?"
Madhu: "What?"
RK: "A new beginning?"
Madhu: "Yes."
RK didn't know, whether it was because of her tone, or because of what had happened at the ice cream parlor that he knew she was lying.

They hear a stirring sound and look back to see that Sahasra had woken up. Now, she was sitting up and looking around.
Sahasra: "Mama, whose car is this?"
RK: "So sleeping beauty is awake?"
Sahasra was really happy when she saw RK. She immediately stood up between their seats. Madhu picked up Sahasra and made her sit on her lap. RK was kinda surprised when he saw how cheerful Sassy was. He always thought that kids when they woke up were a little grumpy. The only kid he has been around was Omi, and he was always grumpy when he wakes up from sleep. But then, RK himself was a morning person , so now he had this doubt whether he used to get grumpy when he woke up. And he was pretty cheerful through out the day, but that was five years before. When his life was perfect. When Madhu was with him. Nowadays he rarely slept.

Sahasra looks at the t-shirt she was wearing: "What am I wearing?"
Madhu: "Yours got wet in the rain, so RK Uncle gave you his t-shirt to wear."
Sahasra suddenly leaned towards RK, and kissed him on his cheeks.
Sahasra: "Thank you Rishu."
RK: "Any time , sweetheart."
Madhu confused: "Rishu?"
RK grins: "She calls me that."
Sahasra smiling: "Rishu calls me Sassy and I call him Rishu."
Madhu just rolls her eyes.

Finally, they reached Madhu's house. Madhu and Sahasra were about to get out.
RK: "You won't invite me in?"

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