Part 16 A

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RK walks into Madhu's room, and sees that she was on the phone. So he lies on her bed and watches her talking excitedly on the phone with a smile on his face. RK smiles at the way she was talking so animatedly over the phone. He loves the way she gets excited about things, specially when her dadi calls her on the phone. And her dadi called quiet a lot if he might add... mainly when they were together. But then they were together all the time! Madhu and he had become insperable in the last three weeks. They were always together, and he knew they will be together forever. It didn't take him much time to realize that he has fallen in love with Madhu. Now, his day started and ended with her thoughts. How he wished he could make Madhu understand that she was made for him just like how he was made for her, but whenever he tried talking to her about it, she changed the topic, she was just not ready to admit that she loved him, and he was going crazy, as he had to leave next week.

RK starts smiling seeing her excitement. Man, she loved her dadi so much.
Madhu: "TODAY!!!! AND U R TELLING ME NOW???This is so not fair, dadi!!!"
RK chuckles and turns to his left to see Oscar and Omega sleeping on her bed. Madhu had become so close to the dogs now, and he was so happy that he had chosen the best gifts for her. Suddenly, Omega opens her eyes, RK leans towards her and picks her up and lies back and Places her on his chest and starts petting her, and the dog happily starts licking him all over while RK laughs.

Suddenly, Madhu jumps on the bed.
Madhu: "Guess what?"
RK: "Dadi is coming here!"
Madhu shocked: "How did u know?"
RK: "You were screaming on top of ur voice!"
Madhu: "Really?"
RK: "No artificially!"
And he laughs at his own joke, while Madhu gives him a wierd look.
RK: "So, when is ur dadi coming?"
Madhu: "Evening."
RK confused: "Evening?"
Madhu: "Yeah!"
RK: "So, u won't come with me for my college re-union?"
Madhu hits her head: "Oh shit! I forgot!"
RK: "So will u come?"
Madhu thinks for a while: "Okay... u go to ur college, after I pick dadi from the station we both will come to ur college."
RK confused: "How can dadi come to my college and what will she do there?"
Madhu looks utterly confused, then realization dawns, and she bursts out laughing.
RK: "Why r u laughing?"
Madhu shakes her head: "Nothing... was just imagining dadi at the re-union... but u don't worry I will manage everything."
RK didn't look convinced, but Madhu just changed the topic.

RK: "Madhu"
Madhu: "Hmmm?"
RK: "I got a dress for u, will u were it for the party today?"
Madhu looks at him: "Dress?"
RK: "yes...Please don't say no... if, u don't wear it, then I will be upset."
Madhu rolls her eyes: "What a baby!(then laughs) Of course I will wear it, Shaurya... u r my friend!... where is it?"
RK: "in the car (he starts getting up and walks towards the door, then stops and turns back to look at her) And I am not just ur friend, I am ur fiance!"
Madhu: "Whatever!" (then she grins)

RK was walking out.
Ramukaka: "RK, u r leaving? I made lunch for u!"
RK: "Have I ever left without having ur food?"
Ramukaka smiles.
RK: "The truth is I come here for ur food, meeting Madhu is just an excuse!"
Ramukaka laughs: "Really??And not the other way round?"
RK slightly blushes. Ramukaka laughs.
RK: "U have to conv ice her to marry me, she thinks we r just (with lot of disgust) 'good friends'! I try telling her otherwise, but she won't even let me finish talking!"
Ramukaka with lot of attitude: "I will see."
RK warningly: "Ramukaka!!!U better tell her or else...!"
Ramukaka: "There, she is coming."
RK turns back to see Madhu coming.
Madhu: "Where is it?"
RK: "I am going to get it... (to Ramukaka) U remember what I told u!"
Ramukaka nods his head and winks at RK. RK laughs and walks off with Madhu following him behind.

RK: "Did u like it?"
Madhu looks at the pretty red evening dress he got for her and beams: "This is so beautiful."
RK smiles: "So, will u wear it?"
Madhu: "Of course mutt!"
RK glares at her, then grins.

Everning at the party.

RK had been waiting for Madhu for a while, but she was taking forever to get here. He tried her cell again, and this time she picked up.
Madhu before he could say anything, say: "I reached!"
RK: "Okay, I will come out now."
RK immediately rushes out, he was dying to see how she looked in that dress, he knew she would look beautiful, he just wanted to know whether his imagination did justice to her beauty. RK comes out and finds her walking towards him, and she looked really guilty and then he realized why she looked guilty when he saw her wearing a blue salwar. RK felt really bad and disappointed, but he tried his best to hide it, though he knew Madhu realized how upset he was, when her expression changed to Pleading.
Madhu: "I am so sorry Shaurya, dadi got this salwar and insisted that I wear it."
RK: "Oh"
Madhu: "I am really sorry."
RK smiles: "It's okay... u can wear it for me another time."
Suddenly, a man comes there: "So, this is RK?"
Madhu and RK turns to look at the man. RK looks at him confusion: "Yeah... and u r?"
Madhu excitedly holds the man's hand: "This is dadi!"

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