Part 18 A

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RK pulls Madhu's hand and turns her around. She looks at him in shock and he was looking at her with so much anger. Suddenly he puts his hand behind her head and grabs on her hair and pulls her head closer. Some people starts clapping as the song ended, and Aadil looked on in shock, as RK slams down his mouth on Madhu's.

Madhu tries to push him off, but his hold on her tightened. The kiss was hot and passionate. Slowly, she was Losing the battle with her body, and she was about to kiss him when he pulled back and stared into her eyes.
RK angrily: "Don't you dare ever forget that you belong to me."
Madhu looks at him in shock, anger and pain. Then she slapped him hard across his face. RK keeps his hand were she had slapped him. He knew he deserved it. He knew what he did was wrong. There were many girls in his life before, but he had never ever misbehaved with any of them, and now he did this to Madhu, the one he loved the most in the world, the one that meant the world to him, the one he was made for.

Without another word, he was about to leave when he saw Aadil charging towards him. RK had been waiting to get him alone to settle his score, as he didn't want to do anything to him in front of Madhu, as she would get offended if he did anything to Aadil. But, now it was the perfect time, all he wanted was Aadil to make the first move, so he could beat the crap out of him.
Aadil grabs on RK's collar.
Aadil: "How dare you?"
Aadil was about to punch RK, when Madhu held his hand.
Aadil angrily: "Madhu..."
Madhu equally angry: "No! Let's leave."
Aadil: "Not before I teach him a lesson."
Madhu: "I said no! Come!"
Aadil: "Madhu..."
Madhu: "Whatever happened, it is between Shaurya and me, you don't interfere."
Aadil looks at Madhu in shock. Then he slowly loosens his grip on RK's collar, and then he angrily walks out. Madhu looks at RK for a second and goes behind him.

The drive to Malik House was silent, as both Madhu and Aadil were angry at each other.

Madhu's room.

Aadil was angrily pacing the room; he slowly looks at Madhu, who was sitting down on the floor with the dogs as the dogs ate the dog feed. Madhu was lost in her thought.

Aadil angrily: "You insulted me, Madhu."
Madhu looks at Aadil in irritation: "I insulted you?"
Aadil: "Yeah!"
Madhu angrily: "Well, I am so sorry that I saved your life."
Aadil confused: "What?"
Madhu: "How could you even possibly think that Shaurya would let you walk off after hitting him? Shaurya would have killed you."
Aadil looks at Madhu in shock; did she think that he was not as good or strong like that RK?
Madhu: "And dadi, what made you think that I would stand by and watch if someone tried to hurt Shaurya?"
Aadil shouts: "SHAURYA SHAURYA SHAURYA!!! Is he all that you think about??"
Before Madhu could reply, the dogs ran towards Aadil and started barking and attacking him. Aadil starts moving back in fear.
Madhu: "Oscar, Omega stop it! NO! STOP!"
Finally, Madhu was able to pull the dogs away from Aadil with the help of Ramukaka who had come in hearing all the commotion.
Ramukaka: "Aadil, I think you should leave now. It's really late, and I don't think you should stay here at this time, especially when Malik Saab (and then he adds thoughtfully) and RK are not here."
Aadil pissed: "Who are you to say that? Don't forget, you are just a servant here! And when did RK start deciding things here?"
Madhu angrily: "Don't you dare talk to him like that!!!! He is not just a servant here... he is like my father to me!!!"
Ramukaka: "You might have got ur answer to the first question from that. And the answer to the second question, RK is Madhu's fiance, so whatever concerns Madhu, concerns RK too."
Aadil angrily leaves. Ramukaka turns towards Madhu, she hugs him and starts crying. Ramukaka slowly pats her on her back.

Ramukaka: "Madhu, do you trust me?"
Madhu looks at him in confusion, when she realized that he was waiting for her reply she said "I trust you like I trust my father."
Ramukaka: "Then tell me, what had happened between RK and you?"
Fresh tears start falling from her eyes.
Ramukaka: "What happened?"
Madhu bursting out into tears: "He cheated on me."
Ramukaka shocked: "WHAT???? That is not possible!"
Madhu: "It is true. He was cheating on me all this while. He was engaged to me, but was seeing other girls behind my back."
Ramukaka was finding it too hard to digest. RK loved Madhu. All you had to do was look into his eyes, and you will know how much he loves her.
Ramukaka: "What? I don't believe it."
Madhu: "Even I didn't believe it. I thought he would never hurt me. I was going to tell him, how much I loved him. But then, dadi brought the girl, and she told me that Shaurya and she were in love and Shaurya had promised her that he would marry her. (Angrily) She calls him Shaurya!!!!"
Madhu starts crying even more loudly.
Ramukaka: "How does he know the girl to bring her here?"
Madhu: "Dadi knows Malika and yesterday after the party he met her and that time while talking she told him about Shaurya and her. So in the morning he brought her here and she told me everything."
Ramukaka still not believing it: "And what did RK say to all this?"
Madhu: "I didn't ask him."
Ramukaka: "Why?"
Madhu: "Why should I? To show him that I fell for his charms like all the other girls."
Ramukaka looking at her angrily: "This is not you talking, Madhu. This is that Aadil talking."
Madhu shocked: "What are you saying?"
Ramukaka: "When did you become an idiot, Madhu? I have heard people going blind in love, first time I am seeing someone going blind in friendship."
Madhu helpssly: "What do you all have against dadi? Shaurya hates him, now you also."
Ramukaka: "I used to like Aadil, but not anymore. Ever since he has come, he seems to have changed. He is no longer the boy you made friends with."
Madhu: "Is it because he screamed at you today? He was angry with me, that's why."
Ramukaka: "No, not because of that. Even before that, I felt that he had changed."
Madhu: "But..."
Ramukaka cuts her off: "Now, listen to me very carefully."
Madhu nods.
Ramukaka: "I want you to call him up and tell him that, you want the girl to tell you the truth in front RK."
Madhu: "But..."
Ramukaka: "No buts Madhu... you owe it to yourself and RK. RK has a right to prove himself innocent, and you owe it to yourself because you can't live without RK. You need to give RK and you a chance."
Madhu was thoughtful for a while.
Ramukaka: "Just think of this Madhu, if what that girl was telling was in fact the truth, then she would have confronted or at least told RK about meeting you, and if that had happened, RK wouldn't have come behind you to the restaurant."
Madhu shocked: "How do you know that..."
Ramukaka: "I told him that you had gone there."
Madhu looks at him in disbelief.
Ramukaka: "So, are you going to call him?"
Madhu: "dadi?"
Ramukaka nods. He takes the phone and gives it to her; Madhu keeps looking at the phone without dialing.
Ramukaka: "Whoever it is, don't trust someone so blindly when the matter concerns not only your life, but someone else's also."
Madhu helpssly and confused: "He is my best friend."
Ramukaka sighs: "I know Madhu, I can understand what you are going through. Friendship of 13 years or the love of 3 weeks, it's hard to choose. But make sure you don't choose the wrong man."
Madhu after a lot of thinking slowly starts dialing. Aadil picks up the phone on the first ring. Before Madhu could say anything, he starts talking.
Aadil: "I am so sorry, Madhu. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that. After all that you are going through, I shouldn't have behaved like that. But then I hate to see you sad, and when you are sad, I can't bare it. I am so sorry."
Madhu: "It's okay dadi."
Aadil happily: "I knew you couldn't stay angry with me for so long."
Madhu: "I want to meet Malika."
There was a silence for few seconds, and then he asked in a soft voice: "Why?"
Madhu: "I want her to tell whatever she told me, in front of Shaurya."
Aadil: "Madhu, why are you..."
Madhu cuts him off: "What if she had lied to you? What if Shaurya is innocent? I can't trust some girl I don't even know, over Shaurya."
Aadil: "I don't think she will come."
Madhu: "If she doesn't come in front of Shaurya, then it proves only one thing. That she is a liar."
Aadil was silent for a while: "Okay... I will call her."
Madhu: "Thank you."

Aadil was sitting in a restaurant, when Malika walks in.
Malika: "Why did you call me?"
Aadil: "Whatever you told Madhu, I want you to tell that in front of RK again."
Malika: "And what will I get?"
Aadil: "5000 now and 5000 after job done."
Malika: "No, 10000 now and another 10000 once the job is done."
Aadil: "Fine!!!"

Kundra House

Radha opens the door to see Madhu standing there with a guy and a girl.
Radha happily hugs her: "Madhu beta! What a surprise? Come in"
Radha invites them in. Once they are seated.
Radha: "Did you have a fight with Shaurya? He has been sulking since yesterday. (Looks at Aadil dispassionately) You might be Aadil."
It was not a question rather a statement.
Aadil: "Yes."
Radha: "Shaurya did mention your name in between his cribbing, though I didn't understand a thing... so what really happened, and (looking at Malika) who is this?"
Madhu: "She is Malika, and she is..."
Malika cuts her off: "I am Shaurya's girlfriend."
Radha shocked: "I am sorry, maybe I heard you wrong... did you just claim to be my son's girlfriend?"
Malika: "I am his girlfriend, and he has promised me that he will marry me."
Radha angrily: "My son has promised only one girl that he would marry her and that is Madhu."
Malika arrogantly: "He never promised, you promised on his behalf."
Madhu angrily: "Enough!!! Don't open your mouth till Shaurya comes."
That was the first time, Madhu talked to Malika today. She had refused to even acknowledge her presence in the car.
Malika: "How dare you talk to me like this?"
Madhu just ignores her
Malika looks at Radha: "Where is Shaurya?"
Madhu: "Auntyji, can u please call Shaurya?"
Radha: "He has gone out, I will call him."
Radha picks up the phone and was about to dial the number when she angrily looks at Malika.
Radha: "Other than me, only Madhu has the right to call him, Shaurya. So don't you dare call him Shaurya again!"
Radha starts dialing a number.
Radha: "Hello Shaurya, where are you?... ... oh okay okay. You come in. I will talk to you then."
Radha hangs up, and looks at Madhu: "He is outside, just parking the car."
Suddenly, Madhu hears the door opening. She closes her eyes and continues praying that, Shaurya proves the girl a liar.
"Hey mom."
Madhu suddenly looks up in confusion.
Then her confusion turns to shock, as she watches Malika calling out to her "Shaurya baby" and hugging a thoroughly shocked Ranbir Nanda.

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