Part 25

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Madhu had reached Ishaan's office to look for the kids, as that was their main hang out. She was about to knock on the door when she saw Ishaan standing a little away from her looking at the other side as he talked on the phone, she was about to go in when she heard his voice.

"Hello RK bhai?... John called, he has gathered information on Sahasra and I have told him to mail it to you, you might have got it by now... check it out and let me know if you want anymore details okay?"

Madhu stood there rooted for a second as she tried to process what Ishaan had just said on the phone. Did Shaurya get someone to check on Sahasra? Did he find out the truth or was he just confirming his doubt? What did that information contain? What could the information be? And who is this John?

Madhu realized that there was no use standing here and trying to guess everything, she had to confront Shaurya about it. She didn't want him coming here and telling everything to Sahasra, that too in front of everyone. He wouldn't care of the scandal and gossip that would cause; he would only be bothered about his daughter. She looked at Ishaan and he still had his back to her as he smoked away looking out. Without making any noise she ran towards RK's office.

Madhu was out of her breath when she finally reached RK's office and she had barged in without thinking. RK was sitting at his table with his laptop open. He looked tensed, excited, scared. Hearing the door open, RK looked up immediately and saw Madhu standing there as pale as a white paper. He was immediately concerned. "Madhu?" RK was about to get up, when Madhu ran to him "Shaurya, Sahasra... Sahasra" "What happened to Sassy?" RK asked scared as Madhu just kept repeating their daughter's name. "I can't..." and Madhu stops. She was going to say that she can't live without Sahasra when her eyes fell on his laptop screen which was downloading a file named 'Sahasra S K'. Seeing her look at the screen RK immediately minimizes the screen and looks at Madhu.

What if he doesn't know anything? What if he has just a doubt and was confirming it? Ranbir had said that Shaurya didn't know anything and Ranbir had promised her that he won't tell Shaurya anything about it. So what if, Shaurya didn't know anything? I have to find out what is in the file. But how?

"Madhu?" RK shakes Madhu and she looks at him in shock. "What is it? Where is Sassy?" RK asks her tensed. Did she see the file I was downloading? RK's question gave Madhu an idea and she looks at him and says tensed "I can't find Sahasra." "What do you mean you can't find her?" RK asks her angrily. "She was playing near the fish tank with Omi and now they are not there." She said tensed, though she was tensed about totally another thing. RK sighs "That's it? She might be in Ishaan's or Garima's cabin." "I don't know, I am getting really worried." Madhu said "What if she is not there?" "Why are you thinking like this?" RK asks irritatedly, he just wanted Madhu to leave so he could check out what John has sent him. "Why don't you just go check?" "You come with me. I am just scared." Madhu said getting another idea. RK was irritated to the core, he just wanted to read the file but he knew Madhu wouldn't leave just like that, so instead of wasting time he decided to get it done with. He picked up his phone and pressed a button. "Garima, is Sassy there?" RK asked irritated "Okay then connect me to his room." RK listened to the phone ring for 4-5 times losing his patience when suddenly it was picked up "Halo" He passes the phone to Madhu immediately "Halo?" "Sahasra." Madhu said. "Mama? Why did you call?" "Where are you?" she asked looking away from RK who was glaring at her. "Ishaan uncle's room." "Okay. Come to Rishu's room. Don't you want lunch?" Madhu asked feeling his eyes burning her skin; she knew he wanted to kill her just then. "Come fast, Rishu will take you for ice-cream after lunch." Madhu said "Okie." She said excitedly. Madhu hangs up and slowly looked at RK and gives him a weak smile "She was with Ishaan." "Why did you tell her that I would take her for ice-cream?" he asked her not hiding his displeasure. "She won't eat lunch otherwise." She says. "Well you could have told her that you would take her? Why did you tell her that I would take her?" he asked getting angrier by the minute. "Because you are the one who usually takes her." Madhu said "Why? What happened today?" she asks feigning ignorance. RK immediately gets on his guard, he couldn't get her suspicious. "I have some work to do." "If you want I will do it for you." She offered knowing full well what that work was. "No, it's okay." "We are here!" Sassy announced as she ran in with Omi. Seeing Sassy, RK's anger disappeared immediately. As much as he hated waiting to read the file, he knew he had to do it he couldn't break Sassy's heart.

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