Part 23 B

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Sassy had spent the rest of the morning with her mother chatting and Playing. Only after a long time did she remembers the promise she had made Rishu of coming back. She ran to Rishu's office and opens the door wide announcing her presence. But she stood there in shock as she took in the sight before her.

Some boy was sitting on her Rishu's lap.

"Sassy, what happened? Why are you standing there? Come here." RK said with a smile. Sassy slowly walked in as she kept her eye on the boy who dared to sit on her Rishu's lap. Sassy reached near RK and stood their watching the boy who was busy playing on his PSP.

"Sassy, this is Omi and that is Omi's father, Ranbir Uncle." RK told her and he looked at Ranbir and smiled "Ranbir meet Sahashra."

"Hello Sahasra." Ranbir said with a cute smile while Omi gave her a customary glance. RK looked at Sassy with a confused expression as she remained quiet. "Sassy say hello to Ranbir Uncle." RK gently instructed her while she stared at Omi. Sassy hearing what Rishu told her looks up at Ranbir Uncle and then she turned her gaze back at Omi and gently ordered him "Get up."

RK watched Sassy with an amused expression at her strange behavior while Omi ignored her. Sassy getting even more angry pokes him on his arm. Omi angrily looks at her "What?"

"Get up."

"Why?" he asked her irritated.

"This is my Rishu. And only I can sit on his lap." Sassy said authoritatively.

"Rishu?" Omi looks at her and then at RK in confusion and then says "This is not Rishu, he is RK."

"No, this is my Rishu! And Get up!" she said angrily.

"Sassy, now stop fighting. Come, even you sit on my lap. Both of you can sit on my lap together." RK said, as he tried to lift Sassy onto his lap. But Sassy angrily pushed his hands away and again told Omi to get up while Ranbir who had found all this funny start chuckling. RK angrily glares at him.

"I am not getting up."

"Rishu, tell him to get up. Tell him only I can sit on your lap. Tell him, Rishu." Sassy instructed Rishu.

"Let him sit on my lap, Sassy. Even you also sit."

"No, you are my best friend right? So only I can sit on your lap." Sassy told him.

"Really?" Ranbir asked Sassy enjoying RK's predicament.

"Yes. Tell him to get up." Sassy told Ranbir.

"He is not your best friend. He is my Papa's best friend." Omi tried to set her straight.

"NO!!! I am Rishu's best friend. Rishu tell him."

"Sassy" RK again tried to calm her down. "No, tell him." Sassy instructed him yet again. RK sighs and looks at Omi "She is my best friend."

"Then, what about my Papa?" Omi asked him frowning.

"Now, get up." Sassy said at the same time.

"No, I will not. He is RK and he is my Papa's best friend."

Sassy loses her patience and angrily pinches him on his hand. And Omi screams out loud at the unexpected attack.

"What is this, Sassy? Is this how you behave with guests?" RK asked her angrily. Sassy look at RK in shock, and slowly tears starts filling her eyes as no one has ever scolded her before, and Rishu was her best friend and he was siding with that boy instead of her. RK was busying checking Omi's hand at first and then was trying his best to stop Omi as he tried to hit Sassy that he didn't notice the tears in Sassy's eyes.

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