Part 14

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"Looks like it's just us now, baby."
Madhu looked at him in shock. Then immediately, pushes his hands off her.
Angrily, she points towards the door: "Leave!"
RK raises his one eye brow at her.
Madhu: "I said leave."
RK just chuckles and saunters into the living room where Sassy was watching TV.

RK ignores her and sits next to Sassy and pulls her into his lap.
RK: "What are you watching?"
Sassy: "TV" and starts laughing at her own joke.
RK: "Right!"
RK suddenly starts tickling her, while she laughs out loudly asking him to stop, even RK starts laughing, while Madhu looked on without even realizing that she was smiling.
Sassy: "HAHAHA Stop Rishu..hahahahaha...Mama asks...hahahha...him to stop...hahaha."
Madhu walks towards them and looks at them, RK who was now partially lying on top of Sassy to hold her down on the couch looks at her. Madhu suddenly starts laughing and starts tickling Sassy. RK and Madhu start tickling Sassy together while they all laughed out loud.

Finally they stopped, with Sassy lying on the couch with RK leaning on top of her with his hands on her sides, putting all his weight on his hand, and Madhu kneeled down next to the couch and they all were laughing and trying to catch their breath.

RK places a kiss on Sassy's forehead and gets up and sits, suddenly Sassy gets up and starts tickling his stomach, he laughs and catches her hands. Sassy tries to free her hand from his hold, but he held strongly. She starts pouting while RK laughs. Madhu watching this, suddenly starts tickling RK and he jerks back on the couch laughing, and leaves Sassy's hand and tries to hold Madhu's hands to stop her. Sassy also starts tickling him. RK was now lying flat on the couch with Sassy who was sitting on his legs now tickling him and Madhu who was the kneeling on the floor tickling him. They all were laughing.

Suddenly, Madhu felt a hand on her waist, and looked down to find RK's hand on her waist pulling her closer, while he tried holding Sassy's both hands with his other hand laughing. Madhu immediately stopped and moved back. When Madhu stopped tickling, RK was able to stop Sassy also, he pulled Sassy closer to him with one hand and tried pulling Madhu towards him, but Madhu pushes his hands off and walks away. RK grins seeing her back off and thought proudly 'She so wants me.'

RK turns and looks at Sassy and she was smiling at him with so much love in her eyes. He puts his other hand around her and pulls her closer to his chest.
RK sighs: "Oh My Sassy"
Sassy sighs: "Oh My Rishu"
RK and Sassy burst out laughing. Sassy kisses him on his cheeks.
Sassy: "I love u Rishu."
RK felt this unexplainable happiness in him, when he heard her say that.
RK: "I love u too Sassy."
Sassy: "Rishu, will u be my beeest friend?"
RK smiles happily: "Of course love."
Sassy hugs him tightly and RK hugs her back.

After sometime, RK and Sassy were talking when Madhu comes with milk for Sassy and RK. RK glares at her, while she smirks. Madhu hands him the glass, when he looks at her nails and starts grinning and then immediately changing his expression.
RK acting shocked: "Ohmigod! Madhu look at ur nails?"
Madhu and Sassy looks at Madhu's nails and looks at him in confusion.
Sassy: "What is wrong with Mama's nails?"
RK: "She hasn't cut her nails."
Madhu starts glaring at him: "SO?"
RK: "Don't u know that good children cuts their nails always?"
Sassy: "Really?"
RK: "Yeah... show me ur nails (Sassy proudly shows her neatly cut nails) see, she has cut her nails... look at my nails (he shows off his nails too) cut your nails Madhu."
Madhu angrily: "There is nothing like that?"
RK: "If you want everyone to think that you are a bad girl then its okay."
Sassy concerned: "Everyone will think Mama is bad?"
RK: "Else what? Look at the nails" (Sassy nods her head at him)
Madhu: "I don't care what they think."
Sassy: "No, Mama will cut her nails."
Madhu: "Sahasra?..."
Sassy: "I will go get nail cutter and come."
She runs off, while RK smiles proudly. He takes his milk glass and walks towards the window and pours it out.
Madhu angrily: "What is ur problem?"
RK: "I don't like milk."
Madhu: "Not that."
RK: "Oh! Baby, when you pinch...ur nail... it hurts me."
Madhu: "Leave me alone, then I won't do anything."
RK: "Why don't you just ask me to stop breathing? That would be easier for me."
Madhu looks at him in shock, she was about to scream at him when Sassy came with the nail cutter and gave it to RK.
RK: "Thank you, Sassy. Now drink your milk. I drank my milk."
Sassy makes a face at her glass of milk then takes the glass and starts drinking from it. RK happily grabs Madhu's hands and cuts her nails neatly and as short as possible, while she glared at him, and he smirking at her

RK and Sassy were watching TV. Sassy was watching Ben10 with so much interest. RK slowly got up from there and walked towards the kitchen and found Madhu doing the dishes. He quietly walked towards her and hugged her from behind. Madhu turns back in shock and sees him and glares at him. She tries to free herself from his hold.
Madhu: "Leave me, RK."
RK starts nuzzling her neck: "Shaurya."
Madhu angrily: "Behave yourself, Rishabh Kundra."
RK: "It's Shaurya."
Madhu was losing her control over herself. She starts breathing heavily feeling his lips on her neck as he placed his hand on her waist feeling her whole body obeying to his touch: "Please Shaurya, leave me."
RK: "I can't Madhu... I love u so much... in these five years there was not even a second, a moment that I didn't think of you, that I didn't miss you. Didn't you ever think of me? How could you marry Sultan, Madhu? How could you forget me? How could you even consider someone in my place?"
Tears started flowing from Madhu's eyes. She was sad and angry at the same time, he left her and he said that he didn't love her, now he says that he loves her. What does he think she is? She slowly takes a deep breath and looks at the bowl she was holding. She slowly moved it under the running tap and waited for it to be filled with water.
RK says in a pleading tone: "Love me like you used to, Madhu."
His hands were on her stomach now, slowly moving up as he kissed her neck and his hand found the bottom of her blouse..
RK: "I know you want me Madhu. I can feel it Madhu."
Suddenly, Madhu raised the water filled bowl over her head, pouring the water over his head. RK immediately jerked back feeling the cold water screaming.

Suddenly, they heard someone laughing, they turned back to see Sassy standing there.
RK shocked cold and wet:"When did you come?"
Sassy laughing: "Now... even I want to play."
RK: "We are not playing any game here."
Madhu smiling: "Yes we are."
RK saw Madhu about to fill the bowl again, he immediately snatched it away, Madhu took another glass and started filling it with water, he was about to take it from her, when Sassy grabbed the bowl he was holding, he turned towards her to take it away, when Madhu poured water over him. He was walking towards her, when Sassy threw the bowl full of water onto him clutching the empty bowl laughing. Soon Madhu and Sassy were throwing water over him and RK stood there drenched trying to stop them.

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