Part 06

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LOSER!!!That's what Rishabh Shaurya Kundra sees everytime he looks at the mirror. In another man's eyes Rishabh Kundra has everything, but in his own eyes, he has nothing, he is nothing but a loser. He lost his Mom, no... his mom is very much alive, but she has left him and is staying in an old age home. How muchever he tried, she refused to stay with him, and till this day he can't understand why his mom just abandoned him. And then he lost Madhu. In these five years, there wasn't even a second, a moment that he hadn't thought about her, and regreted leaving Kolkata. If he could go back in time and change something, he would have married Madhu when they were supposed to marry. But now she is also gone, and he is all alone.

After tying his tie, he followed his usual routine, automatically picked up his briefcase, his specs, newspaper and walked out his apartment, and as usual his driver was ready with the car, and with no words exchanged he got in the backseat and started reading the paper.

It was nearly noon, after his meeting with one of his clients RK was on his way back to office, when his driver stops the car suddenly, and RK jerks forward. RK was about to scold his driver for being so careless, when he saw Madhu running across the street. His heart skipped a beat; his world came to a halt. He couldn't believe it was his Madhu infront of him. He watched her, as she walked in through some gate.

Driver: "Sorry Sir. That lady suddenly came in front of the car."
The driver starts the car again.
RK: "Stop!"
Driver without another word stops the car, and RK gets out of the car and looks at the gate and was about to go into that house and see, whether it was really his Madhu, when suddenly Madhu comes out with a small girl about the age of 4-5. He couldn't see the girl's face. The truth was he was not looking at the girl much. His eyes were fixed on Madhu. She had lost a lot of weight. She looks mature. And she looks even more beautiful now. Then he saw Madhu smiling at the girl, and somehow he knew that the girl was Madhu's daughter. An unexplainable pain squeezed his heart with the realization that Madhu has daughter, but what hurt the most was that, he was not the father. RK decided that he had seen enough and gets into his car and briskly orders the driver to drive.

Much later in the afternoon.

RK was on his way out to meet yet another client of his, when he saw Madhu entering one of the cabins. He walked to the receptionist.
RK: "Who was that?"
Receptionist: "Sir, she is Madhubala Malik, she is here for the interview."
RK: "Okay."
RK walked back into his cabin lost in thoughts Madhubala Malik????Malik???Does that mean she didn't get married?


RK on the phone: "Hello Mrs Kundra?"
Madhu: "Who Mrs Kundra???There is no Mrs Kundra staying here!!"
RK: "But you will be!!!"
Madhu: "Will you change your name to Mr Malik?"
RK shocked: "No!!"
Madhu: "Then even I won't change."
RK alittle upset: "But why?"
Madhu: "Because, I am used to Madhubala Malik, and I don't want to change my name, and I will never change my name."
RK: "Not even for me?"
Madhu: "NO!!"
Madhu smiles: 'Fine'
RK: 'So you finished studyin for your exams?'
Madhu: 'I am not studying?'
RK: 'Why not?'
Madhu: 'I will study so much, and if they don't ask questions from what I studied, then it will be a total waste, and I don't like wasting anything.'
RK: 'God woman! You really, need to take your studies seriously. How are you going to get any nice job, if you don't study?'
Madhu: 'Why do I need a job when my husband, the mighty Rishabh Kundra, is so bloody rich?"

End of flashback

RK comes out of his thoughts.
RK: 'What the hell was I thinking? She is married, just didn't change her surname.'
RK picks up his phone, and press a button.
RK: "Come to my cabin."

Few seconds later a man walks in.
RK: "Did you give Madhubala Malik the job?"
Man: "No Sir, she is under qualified."
Told her a thousand times to take her studies seriously but she never did!!'
RK: "Is she still there?"
Man: "Yes."
RK: "Okay give her the job of my personal assistant."
Man, though shocked doesn't show it: "Yes Sir."
RK: "Give her an offer she can't resist, and make her sign a bond for two years."
He knew, it is no good to question his boss, so he went with the flow and just shook his head.

RK didn't know why he did that, is it to show her that he is not affected by her, or is to help her, as he knew if she had an option, she wouldn't work, or is it to try win her back? He didn't know, and decided not to dwel on it.

Next Day

RK was up early, maybe because he didn't sleep the whole night, twisting and turning in bed wondering what will be Madhu's reaction when she meets him. How much ever he tried, he couldn't stop hoping that, the moment she sees him, she runs into his arms saying that she missed him, and still loved him. But he knew that is not going to happen now, as she is someboday else's wife.

He was sitting in his cabin, suddenly phone started ringing, and he picked up the phone.

RK: "Yes?"
Receptionist: "Sir, Madhubala Malik has come, and she is supposed to start her work today as your personal assistant."
RK with a slow smirk: "Send her in."
And RK waited for Madhu to enter.

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