Part 02

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Radha and Madhu were waiting at the Airport for RK to come out. RK comes out, and he sees them and walks towards them. 

RK: "Hey Mom!!!" 

Radha hugs RK. Then RK looks at Madhu. 

RK: "Hey Madhu!!!" 

Madhu smiles at him. 

Radha: "Let's go then?" 

RK acting excited: "No, let's stay here and watch the planes take off and land." 

Radha slightly hits RK: "Badmaash!!" 

They start walking towards the car, when suddenly Madhu felt someone touching her fingertips, and when she looked down at her fingers, it was RK's hand. Madhu looks at RK, and he winks at her, and she starts blushing, and RK very slowly holds her hands and starts talking to Radha. 

RK's house. 

RK was getting irritated. It's been over an hour since they reached home, and Madhu hasn't spoken a word to him. When they were eating also, she didn't say anything. She is busy doing her "blushing-bride" act!!! Suddenly he sees Madhu walking towards the kitchen, he stands behind the pillar, and when she reached near him, he pulls her close to him. Madhu was about to scream when she realized it was RK. 

Madhu: "Shaurya, what are you doing?" 

RK: "Holding you and thinking about kissing you." 

Madhu: "Have you gone crazy?" 

RK: "Yeah, crazy about you!!!" 

Suddenly Radha calls out for Madhu, and she pushes RK and runs off. 

After sometime, Radha and Madhu were talking while RK had gone off to take a shower. 

Radha gives Madhu a box, "This is for you." 

Madhu opens it and sees a diamond set, "Mummyji, I can't take this, this is too expensive." 

Radha: "No Madhu, you have to take it." 

Madhu: "But it is too expensive." 

Radha: "If you don't take it, then I will feel bad. And I will think that you don't consider me as your mother." 

Madhu was quiet for some time, then "I will do one thing, I will give it to Shaurya, he will keep it for me till we get married, then after marriage I will take it from him." 

Radha: "But you won't take it now?"  

Madhu smiles sweetly: "No Mummyji." 

Radha: "Okay, if that is what you want." 

RK was putting on his shirt when he heard someone knocking on the door. 

RK: "Yes?" 

Madhu slightly opens the door and looks in and sees RK standing with water still dripping from his hair and he looked so sexy that her heart skipped a beat "Can I come in?" 

RK: "Madhu, this is your room, you can come in whenever you want." 

Madhu walks in. When Madhu had come inside the room, RK closes the door and locks it. RK slowly starts walking towards Madhu and Madhu starts moving back. 

Madhu: "Actually, I wanted you to keep it for me till we get married." 

RK takes it, says "Okay" and keeps it on the nearby table and continues walking towards Madhu. Madhu suddenly feels the wall on her back and looks at RK and he starts smiling. He puts both his hands on her sides, blocking her escape. Madhu suddenly closes her eyes, RK shakes his head, and water droplets falls on her face, and Madhu opens her eyes to look at RK, and he comes closer to her and sips the water droplet which was on her cheeks, then lips slowly moves towards her chin and sips the water droplet from her chin, and then he slowly reaches her lips. He slowly starts nibbling on her lower lip. Suddenly Madhu wraps her arms around him and they start kissing. Madhu felt like she was losing her control, RK's kiss was too passionate, the way he was kissing her she could feel his love. His love was in his kiss. 

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