Part 18 B

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Radha starts dialing a number.
Radha: "Hello Shaurya, where are you?... ... oh okay okay. You come in. I will talk to you then."
Radha hangs up, and looks at Madhu: "He is outside, just parking the car."
Suddenly, Madhu hears the door opening. She closes her eyes and continues praying that, Shaurya proves the girl a liar.
"Hey mom."
Madhu suddenly looks up in confusion.
Then her confusion turns to shock, as she watches Malika calling out to her "Shaurya baby" and hugging a thoroughly shocked Ranbir Nanda.

Ranbir shocked: "Hello??? Who are you?? And leave me, woman!"

Malika: "Shaurya? Why are you behaving like this? It's me your Malika."

Ranbir confused: "Malika?? What the hell is happening here? (Even more confused) And did you just call me Shaurya?"

Madhu looks at Aadil, and he had gone pale, and she notices that he was going to interrupt, she holds his hand, and he turns to look at her.

Madhu angrily whispers: "Don't."

Aadil: "Madhu..."

Madhu: "No."

Meanwhile, Malika was still clinging on to Ranbir.

Malika: "Tell them Shaurya that we love each other and we are going to get married."

Ranbir looks at her in confusion, then looks around and sees Radha, Madhu and a man standing there.

Ranbir trying to extricate himself from Malika's hold: "Mom? Madhu? (a little loudly) Who is this?? What is she saying? What does she want from me?"

Malika starts crying: "How can you say all this to me?? Don't you recognize me? I am your Malika, Shaurya."

Ranbir screams: "For the love of God, leave me woman! And stop crying and tell me what do you want?"

Malika: "Why are you behaving like this, baby?"

Ranbir irritated: "Behaving like what? And for the last time, who are you?"

Radha decides to help Ranbir: "Malika told Madhu, that you have been dating her."

Ranbir: "What? Me??"

Radha: "And you in fact promised her that you would marry her, SHAURYA!"

Finally, Ranbir understands what is happening: "Oh!!!"

Malika decides to use her trump card: "You can't do this to me, Shaurya. I am going to have your baby."

Ranbir amused: "Really? Interesting? Is it a boy or a girl?"

Malika shocked out of her wits, just keeps staring at him. Just then, RK walks in.

RK sees Ranbir and Malika: "Why are you standing here? And who is she?"

Ranbir: "She is my girlfriend, and she is pregnant with my baby."

RK shocked out of his wits: "WHAT?? What kind of joke is this?"

Ranbir in full on drama puts his hand up: "Stop! Don't call my girlfriend and my baby a joke, Ranbir Nanda!"

RK confused 'Ranbir Nanda? Why is he calling me Ranbir Nanda?'

Ranbir smiling sweetly: "So, did you decide on a baby name... er... er... I am sorry, I forgot your name."

Malika mouth drops open.

Ranbir: "Whats your name, sweetheart?"

Malika still in shock: "Malika."

Ranbir: "Yeah... Malika!"

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