Part 09

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Sultan: "How was your first day at work?"
Madhu: "It was good."
Sultan: "And how is your boss?"
Madhu's heart skipped a beat: "He is okay."
Sultan: "Do u have office tomorrow?"
Madhu: "Yeah, saturday we have half day."
Suddenly, Sahasra comes there.
Sahasra: "Sullupoo, tomorrow we will go for a movie?"
Sultan: "Sure sweets. What time will u be free Madhu?"
Madhu really didn't want to go, but without her, Sahasra will start pestering jeeju for things, and jeeju being jeeju, will never say no to Sahasra: "Till 1."
Sultan: "Okay, we will meet u at ur office at one, tomorrow."
Madhu: "Okay."

Next day, at office.

Madhu had reached early, like Shaurya had asked her to. Madhu went into her cabin, turned on her laptop. And checked all of Shaurya's meetings and appointments for that day, which had been fixed by Garima earlier. With that done, she went to make coffee for him.

She remembered the way he had arrogantly asked her whether she still remember how he liked his coffee. Two spoons of sugar with no milk, he hates milk. She remembered every single thing about him, but she will go to her grave before, letting him know that. She made coffee, with milk and no sugar.

As if on cue, he walked in the minute she finished making coffee.
RK: "Ah Malik!"
She had always hated the way he called her Malik, the way he said it, it always felt like an insult, it felt like he was spitting out her name rather than saying it. Madhu just glared at him.

Without takin his eyes off her, RK walked towards his chair, and sat down. Madhu was getting conscious with the way he was looking at her. So she opened the notepad she had brought with her, and started reading out all his appointments and meetings for the day. Once, that done, she took the coffee cup and put it in front of him. He took the cup, and was about to take a sip when he looked inside the cup, then he looked at her. She was giving him a victorious smile, he smiled back at her and then took a sip. He started smiling ear to ear.

RK: "Could never forget me...huh?"
Madhu losing her smile: "What?"
RK: "Obviously, u remember exactly how I like my coffee, so it just shows that u could never forget me...sad... (slightly shaking his head, he continued in a pitying tone)very very sad."
Madhu angrily: "Hell, I had completely forgotten about u, till I saw u yesterday."
RK: "Oh! then is it just coincidence that you made coffee, exactly opposite to what I like?"
Madhu just glared at him.
RK: "Anyway, make me another cup, and this time make it exactly how I like it."
Madhu: "And how exactly do u like it?"
RK: "I don't pay u to ask me questions, I pay u to do whatever I tell u."
Madhu glared at him, and then walked back to where everything was kept.
RK: "And stop playing ur silly games, and trust me, I will make u, make the coffee again and again till u make it like the way I want."

Few minutes later, she walked back with another cup, and kept it on the table. He took the cup, and when he saw the black coffee, he started grinning. Then he took a sip.
RK gives a victorious smile: "Perfect."
Madhu was so pissed, without another word she walked out, and went back to her cabin. The moment she sat down, the phone on her side started ringing. She picked it up.
Madhu: "Hello?"
RK: "Come to my cabin."
Madhu turned and looked at him, and he was sitting there with a lazy grin on his face.
Madhu irritated: "I just came from there."
RK: "So?"
Madhu: "What is it that u want?"
RK: "I hate repeating myself! So for the last time, I am not paying u to ask me questions! Now get back here!"
Madhu slammed the phone down and marched into his cabin.
Madhu: "WHAT?"
RK: "U don't leave my cabin, until and unless I give u permission to do so."
Madhu remained silent.
RK: "That's all, u may go now."
For 5 seconds she stood there and glared at him, while he was smirking at her. Then she was about to walk out, when she stopped at the door.
Madhu: "I want my blinds back."
RK confused: "I didn't take ur blinds."
Madhu: "WHAT???"
RK offended: "What the hell would I do with ur blinds, Malik?"
Madhu: "Yesterday, when I went for the break those were there, when I came back it was gone. And I know u took it to torture me!!!!"
RK as if finally figuring out a puzzle: "Oh oh those blinds. I do remember, the company paying for those blinds!!!"
Madhu: "So?"
RK: "Since this company is mine, it means those blinds are mine, and I can very well do whatever I damn well Pleases with it."
Madhu starts glaring at him even more, while he resumed his smirking. Madhu had enough. She was about to walk out, when she stopped and looked back at him.
Madhu: "Can I leave?"
RK: "Sure."

Madhu walks back to her cabin, and sees him watching her, She had a strong urge to go back in there and close the damn blinds! But he will just open it again, or even worse make her open those. The moment she sat down, her phone started ringing. She immediately looked at him, and sure enough he was sitting there with the phone cradled on his shoulders. She kept glaring at him, which was making his grin go wider and wider. Losing her patience, she snatched the phone.
Madhu: "WHAT?"
RK: "Come to my cabin."
Madhu felt like crying! She slammed the phone down and walked back to the cabin.
Madhu: "WHAT IS IT?"
RK very sweetly: "Sit down."
Madhu: "I am fine where I am."
RK: "Suit urself."

With that RK leaned back in his chair, and started watching her.
Madhu: "Y did u call me?"
RK: "When I sit alone, I get scared."
Madhu losing her patience: "SO???????????"
RK smiles: "Sit here with me."
Madhu: "U R CRAZY!!!"
RK just shrugs. Madhu just wanted to go out of there, but she knew the moment she sits down in her cabin her phone will start ringing. Oh GOD!!! She wanted to throw something at him. RK started looking her from top to bottom.
Madhu: "Stop looking at me."
RK acted as if he didn't even hear her. Madhu could feel the heat of his stare. His eyes lingered on her chest, Madhu started getting goosebumps. She remembered the time spend with him. Madhu suddenly started pulling her saree to cover herself more.
RK smirks: "As if I haven't seen any of that before!"
Madhu: "SHUT UP!!!!"
RK suddenly got up and slowly walked towards her. He looked every bit like a tiger ready to pounce on his prey. Madhu wanted to run from there, but his eyes held her captive. She told herself to run, but didn't even a take a step backward. Suddenly, RK was standing right in front of her, and she felt his hand going around her waist. Her heart started pounding. Her brain screamed at her to make him stop, push him away, to run from there, but her body refused to listen to all that, all that mattered to her body was Rishabh Shaurya Kundra. Her Shaurya.

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