Part 24

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting for the previous part.

A dejected RK was walking out of Madhu's cabin when he bumped into Ranbir and Omi.

"What happened? Is she still angry with you?" Ranbir asks RK with a lot of concern when he saw RK's expression. RK looked shattered.

"She didn't let me talk to Sassy." RK said sadly "She was saying that she made a mistake by trusting me with Sassy."

"Who?" Ranbir asks confused and a little angry.

Who dared to talk to his best friend like that?

RK looks at Ranbir as he hesitated to answer. He hadn't told Ranbir about Madhu yet and he didn't know how Ranbir would react to that news. Sensing RK's hesitation Ranbir looks down at Omi, "Omi, why don't you go and see Ishaan chachu?"

"So I don't have to say sorry to Sassy?" Omi asks relieved. He hated apologizing.

That's when Ranbir realized that he was taking Omi to apologize to Sahasra. "You have to. But now you go to Ishaan chachu, later I will call you back that time you have to come and say sorry to Sahasra."

"Okay." Omi makes a face as he walks off towards the elevator.

After Omi left, Ranbir turns to RK "What is it?"

"We can't talk here, you come with me." RK said quietly then he walked off towards his office room. Ranbir quietly follows lost in his thoughts. The whole Sahasra thing suddenly seemed a big mystery especially since the moment he figured out that Sassy's eyes reminded him of not anyone else's but his best friend's.

It has been nearly half an hour since they were staying like this, RK standing by the window and Ranbir sitting on the chair playing with the paper weight patiently waiting for RK to gather his thoughts, as he watched RK looking out the window with one hand on the window and the other as usual on his stomach as was his habit. Whether he was happy, sad, upset or even simply bored RK always kept his hand over his stomach.

"Madhu is here." RK said, finally deciding to just spill it out. And just as he had expected Ranbir was by his side in a jiffy. "Here?" Ranbir asked him in a near shout.


"Here as in? India? Mumbai?" Ranbir asks still trying to come to terms with the shock and stop his imagination going hay wire. Suddenly from where did Madhu come from? Weren't they talking about Sahasra? But then when one put Madhu and RK's eyes on Sahasra together, the answer was pretty obvious.

"Here as in our office." RK clarified.

"What the ****? What the hell is she doing here? And what the hell are you trying to do? Why did you give her a job?" with every question posed Ranbir was getting louder and angrier.

"I still love her." RK said softly.

"Shut the **** up! When will you learn, RK? And.."

RK cuts him off "It was my fault. I shouldn't have left. And if I had not run off like that, she would have been with me. Sassy too, my daughter." Whatever Ranbir was going to say the last statement had thrown him off guard. Though he had expected it, RK confirming it was still a shock to him. "Sassy?"


"I know who she is. But your daughter?" Ranbir asks him shocked, confused and a little happy too.

"My daughter." RK says with tear filled eyes and a proud smile.

Ranbir didn't know what to do or say to that, but when he saw the proud smile and the happiness on RK's face, he knew there was only one thing he had to do, and he hugged his best friend.

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