Part 22

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Ishaan walked into RK's cabin "What was so important that you couldn't even wait for a day longer?" he asked in lieu of a greeting. RK looks up to see Ishaan glaring at him. RK doesn't say anything; he just looks at him seriously. Ishaan sensing the seriousness of the situation gets really concerned. "Is everything alright?"he asked as he pulled a chair back and sat down.

"I want you to check out something for me, and it should be strictly off-records, even Ranbir should never find out about it."

Ishaan was shocked out of his wits, as far as he knew his brother and RK were best-best friends. And they never hid anything from each other,now what happened?

RK writes down something on a piece of paper and gives it to Ishaan.

"I want you to get me details on Madhubala Malik's daughter Sahasra. Madhu went to U.S five years ago and this was her address there. Sahasra was born there. So I want all details on Sahasra. I mean every single detail."

When RK mentioned Madhu, it had triggered his memory, Ishaan had heard RK say Madhu's name before, many times. And then he remembered where he had met Madhu before. It was at his brother's party.


Ishaan looked around for the man who had ruined everything. He was supposed to have gone out with his friends partying tonight, but then that good for nothing Arnav Singh Raizada told him that he and his friends had organized a bachelor party for his brother and there would be strippers and his brother had restricted him from coming here, so he had sneaked in as one of the waiters only to find out that it was just a party and not bachelor party and there definitely were no naked girls around and he was now walking around serving drinks as he hid from his brother.

He looked around for Arnav, he had seen him a while back dancing and flirting with a girl, but now he was missing. He looked around to give him a piece of his mind before he left this boring party, and then he found him chatting up with another girl. Ishaan angrily walks towards Arnav and taps him on his shoulders. Arnav immediately turns back to see Ishaan glaring at him.

"Hey dude, enjoying the party? How are the strippers?" Arnav asked him with a naughty smile.

"I will kill you, Arnav!"

"Cool it Ishaan, I never asked you to come to the party and if your brother sees you here, then you would be dead meat." Arnav laughs at him.

Ishaan glares at him "That's it dude! Let's see who will be dead meat.I am calling Kushi and tell her that you were trying to cozying it up with the girls out here."

"What?Have you gone crazy?" Arnav asks tensed "I was not cozying up with anything girl."

"What about the one standing behind you?" Ishaan asked him as he tooko ut his cell to take Arnav's pic with the girl. Arnav immediately snatches the phone away "Dude, she is my sister. I mean like my sister." Arnav turns towards the girl "Behen, this is Ishaan, Ranbir's cousin brother and Ishaan, this is my sister Preethi."

Ishaan was still determined to have his revenge. "Then what about the one you were dancing with all this while, today is not Raksha Bandan that you are on a spree to make sisters all around the world, now are you?"

"Which one?" Arnav asks since he was not sure which girl Ishaan was talking about as he had been flirting with every girl around here.

"That one." Ishaan points to a girl dancing with RK. Arnav looks at the girl and then sighs "That's bhabhi!"

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