Part 08

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Flashback Continues

RK was sitting next to Radha, and feeding her.
RK: "U were right, mom."
Radha: "Since I am always right, I am a little confused about which time u r refering to."
RK starts grinning, and then when Radha kept looking at him for an explanation, he blushes slightly and tells her: "About Madhu."
Radha starts smiling broadly: "I always knew that."
RK blushing even more: "I am happy that I am marrying Madhu."
Radha shocked and happy: "U r in love???"
RK shocked: "Hell no mom, I like her and she is nice, I realize that I was too quick in judging her. And I don't know her all that well, to fall in love with her."
Radha: "Liar!!!"
RK blushing: "No mom"
Radha: "Then y r u so suddenly happy about marrying her?"
RK: "Because, she saved the life of the ONLY LOVE OF MY LIFE, that's y!!!"
Radha just smiles, suddenly RK gets a call. After talking on the phone for sometime, RK hangs up.
RK: "That was the cops, they want me to go and help their artist make a sketch of our servant."
Radha: "Okay."
RK: "I will ask Madhu to come and stay here with u, while I go to the cops."
Radha gives a cheeky grin: "Okay."
RK makes a face: "I don't love her."
He starts dialing Madhu's number.

Madhu: "Hello?"
RK: "Madhu, Shaurya here."
Radha suddenly looks at him in shock, which RK doesn't notice.
Madhu was equally shocked that RK had really meant it, when he asked her to call him Shaurya from henceforth: "Yeah, I know."
RK: "Listen, I need to go to the police station for a while, if u r free can u stay with mom till I get back?"
Madhu: "Actually, I am on my way to the hospital only, will reach there in five minutes."
RK: "Okay, will see u soon."
RK hangs up. And looks at Radha, and she raises her one eye brow.
RK: "Now what?"
Radha: "I thought, THE ONLY LOVE OF UR LIFE was supposed to call u Shaurya."
RK embarrassed: "Stop it, Mom."

RK couldn't stand Radha's grinning anymore, so he walked out. He was waiting for Madhu to come and he sees Madhu coming towards him, and his face broke out into a big smile.
RK: "Hi"
Madhu: "Hi"
RK: "Thank you so much for coming."
Madhu with a smile: "Is something wrong with u?"
RK confused: "Y?"
Madhu: "U have been thanking me so much in just two days, if u r going to keep doing that, I am going to think that u really like me."
RK starts smiling: "Maybe, I really like u."
RK winks at her, and walks off. Madhu's mouth drops open. She was watching him leave when suddenly he turned back, and gave the smile of that rake, that he was reputed to be. And her heart skipped like one million beats. After RK left the corridor, Madhu walked back in, cursing RK for having the most sexiest smile in the world, and making strange things happen to her stomach.

Much later, RK walked in to find Radha sleeping, and Madhu was lying in the same bed in which HE SLEPT the night before, and reading a book. He had been so angry till he walked in, it was a hectic job describing the face of that man who had attacked his mother without losing his temper and all the anger in him disappeared the minute he saw Madhu. He slowly walked in, when he was about to reach the bed, she looked up and saw him. She immediately sat up.

Madhu: "I didn't hear u."
RK: "Didn't want to disturb u."
Madhu didn't know what to say. So she decided to state the most obvious: "Auntyji is sleeping."
RK grins: "Yeah, I saw."
Madhu: "She just slept now."
RK: "Okay."
Madhu didn't know, what else to say, so she simply started looking at the book cover.
RK: "What are you reading?"
Madhu shrugs: "A book."
RK smiles: "I know it is a book, which one?"
He puts his hand forward, and Madhu gives him the book, after keeping the bookmark on the page she was reading. RK takes the book, and reads the title 'Double Standards by Judith McNaught', and then turns the book around and starts reading the story outline from the back.
Madhu: "Do you read?"
RK: "Yeah, but I read romantic novels only when I am out of books, otherwise I prefer mysteries and science fictions."
Madhu shocked: "Science?"
RK smiles: "I love science."
Madhu: "I had difficulty clearing my science papers."
RK chuckles. He gives back the book to her.
RK: "Since, Mom is sleeping, I can't watch TV so can I read with u?"
Madhu: "But I am half way through."
RK: "That's okay."
Madhu: "But..."
RK: "U read, I will just read along with u, when u finish a page, u can turn, u don't have to wait for me to finish. I just don't have anything else to do...that's y."
Madhu: "Okay...I guess."
RK: "Okay, scoot"
Madhu gives him a shocked look.
RK: "Well, I can't stand behind u and read, right?"
Madhu moved to the further end of the bed, and RK got into the bed, and rested his back on the headboard, with his legs stretched out on the bed. After a few seconds of thinking, Madhu also did the same.
Madhu: "I am a very slow reader."
RK: "I am pretty fast."
Madhu shrugs, and opened the book, and held the book, in between them, so that both of them could read it.

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