Part 29

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MINE!!! That was the only thought going through RK's mind. Sassy's eyes looked familiar because Sassy had his eyes. RK leans back on his seat and closes his eyes in pain with his hands unconsciously coming to rest on his upper abdomen. Now he understood why he always felt that unexplainable pull towards Sassy, it was because she was his! She was his daughter. She was his blood. Everybody, every single proof was wrong and his heart was right all along. Sassy is his daughter. But as much as he tried he just couldn't understand why Madhu hid the truth from him. She should have told him.

Picking up his cell he was about to call her when a thought stopped him. If she had ever wanted him to know, she would have told him by now, but she didn't. In spite of having numerous chances she didn't. RK knew one thing, if he was ever going to make her confess, then he should do it with proof. And the proofs he had, proved that Sassy was not his. Flipping through his contacts, he found Ishaan's number and dialed.

Ishaan picked up the phone on the third ring. "What's up, bhai?" Ishaan asked jovially.

"What ******* investigation did you do?" RK angrily screamed.

"What?" Ishaan asks confused and shocked at the anger, question and cursing.

"Sassy is my daughter!" RK angrily screamed.

"Yeah, I know." Ishaan replies not understanding anything.

"What? You know? How?" RK asks shocked out of his wits, and before Ishaan could answer to that, he asks "Then why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't know?" Ishaan asks shocked.

"No." RK replies "If I knew then why would I ask you to investigate?"

"I thought you wanted proof, so that you can claim her as yours in court. But how can you not know? Haven't you seen her eyes? You blind mutt!!!" Ishaan asks exasperated.

RK had no idea how to reply to his question, he really was a blind fool. Instead of answering that question, he said "The information you got stated the opposite."

"How can that be possible?" Ishaan asks.

"You tell me." RK replies angrily.

"Why don't you come home? I will just call up John and see, and tell him to recheck the details."

"Okay. And this time, it better be the truth." RK said in a threatening tone and hung up.

An hour later, RK angrily barged into the Nanda mansion and found Ranbir and Ishaan waiting for him.

"What is happening? You only told me that Sassy is your daughter and now you are saying that you just found out now?" Ranbir asks without any preamble.

"I thought she was my daughter then, but after I checked the details John sent me, I realized she was not mine, and today I realized that Sassy has my eyes." RK says.

Though Ranbir didn't understand much of what RK had said, he was majorly confused about one thing "You realized that you two have the same eyes just today? That's the first thing I noticed when I met her." Ranbir says perplexed.

"So did I." Ishaan chips in. "You really gotta change the power of your glasses." Ishaan says which earns him a kick from his brother and a glare from RK.

Looking at Ranbir, RK says "Sultan is not Madhu's husband."

"He is not?" Ranbir asks in shock while Ishaan says irritated "Of course he is not!"

Before either RK or Ranbir could ask him about what he meant, Ishaan asks RK "What made you think that he is her husband?"

"She was staying with him."

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