Part 10

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"Mama, I want water."

RK jerked up from his seat and looked at the door, and saw a small girl of around 4-5 yrs standing at the door and looking at him in confusion. RK knew that he was staring at Sahasra. Sahasra looked so much like Madhu, except for her eyes. Her eyes looked vaguely familiar to him, but he was not sure whose eyes Sahasra had inherited, maybe some Madhu's relative he had met before. He slowly got up from his seat and started walking towards her.

Sahasra looking around: "Where is my Mama?"
Sahasra also had an American accent just like Madhu and Sultan. It somehow reminded him of the time he had come back from U.S with a heavy accent. RK knelt down to her level.
RK smiles: "Hi!"
Sahasra worried: "Where is Mama?"
RK (pointing towards the window): "Mama is in the other room."
Sahasra was looking at the window, trying to figure out how to get in there.
RK: "Come, I will give you water."
RK took her hand and was about to walk towards the freezer, when Sahasra snatched her hands back.
Sahasra: "No! Mama has told me not to talk to strangers and not to take anything from them."
RK smiles: "But I am not a stranger, I am Madhu's friend."
Sahasra keeps looking at him.
RK puts his hands forward: "I am Rishabh Shaurya Kundra."
Sahasra: "I am Sahasra S K"
RK (thinking): S K???Oh Sultan Kapoor.

Sahasra shakes his hand. The moment her hand touched his, it was as if he had touched a part of himself, maybe all the wrongs in his entire life just melted in that single moment. His heavy heart now felt happiness and joy. Seeing Madhu after so long had made his dormant heart beat again, but now oddly he felt complete. As he looked into her face that smile deepened unable to control his urge he picked her up in his arms and kissed her cheek. It felt so natural and he looked over at the small child giggling feeling his stubbles as she placed her arm around his neck smiling.

RK walked towards the mini fridge in the corner, and opened it.
RK: "So, what will you have water or pepsi?"
Sahasra smiles at him: "Pepsi"
RK took the bottle out, and walked towards the counter, and made Sahasra sit there, and took a glass and poured Pepsi in it, and gave the glass to her.
Sahasra took the glass with a smile: "Thank you, Uncle."
RK just smiles at her. He picked her up and walked towards his seat and sat down there, and watched her drink. RK was amazed to realize that he felt content by just watching this small girl drink pepsi from a glass.

After Sahasra finished drinking, she slowly kept the glass on the table, and tried to scoot down. RK immediately grabbed her.
RK: "Where are you going?"
Sahasra: "Outside, to see the fishes."
RK smiles: "You like fishes?"
Sahasra smiles: "Yes."
RK: "Even I will come with you."
RK gets up and walks out with her.
Sahasra: "Even you like fishes?"
RK: "Yes, but I like dogs more."
Sahasra excited: "I love dogs!!!"
RK: "Do u have a doggie?"
Sahasra shakes her head in disappointment: "No. Mama hates doggies."
RK smiles: "Yeah I know. But the truth is, she is scared of dogs."
Sahasra shocked: "No Way!!!"
RK: "Yes."
Sahasra: "Mama is not scared of anything."
RK: "Mama is scared of dogs!!!"
Sahasra goes into deep thoughts. When RK sees her like that, he starts smiling. They reach the fish tank.
Sahasra: "Do you have a doggie?"
RK: "Yes. I call him tiger."
Sahasra confused: "Why would a dog be called tiger?"
RK smiles proudly, Sahasra is an intelligent girl: "Because I thought it was nice and funny to name my dog tiger."
Sahasra giggles: "It is funny!"
RK kisses her on her cheeks again, and to his surprise Sahasra kisses him back. RK smiles at her. Sahasra realizes that they were near the fish tank, and now that RK was carrying her, she could have a better view, and she looks down at the fishes.

Few seconds later, RK hears a door opening, without even turning he knew it was Madhu. And his guess was confirmed when he heard a gasp. RK decides to ignore her, after the way she had reacted when he asked her about Sahasra, as if he was going to harm her daughter, he was still pissed with her.

Sahasra pointing to one fish: "What is that fish's name?"
RK: "We haven't named them. Do you want to name them?"
Sahasra: "Hmmm okay."
RK: "Okay. What do you want to name that one?"
Sahasra: "Hmmm Nemo."
RK smiles: "And that one?"
Sahasra: "Hmmm Simba!"
RK: "But isn't that the lion's name in Lion King?"
Sahasra laughs: "It's nice and funny."
RK chuckles.

Madhu had come out to make sure Sahasra was fine, and she was shocked out of her wits when she found her daughter with Shaurya. They seemed to be in some kind of discussion regarding the fishes, she couldn't hear their voice. Shaurya was smiling continuously, while Sahasra laughed in between. They both looked so comfortable with each other. She started getting tensed. Did Shaurya realize that Sahasra was their daughter? Will he try to take her away from me?

Suddenly, Sahasra looked back and saw Madhu standing there.
Sahasra: "Mama!!!"
RK turns back and looks at Madhu. As much as he was pissed with Madhu, he just couldn't stop smiling, Sahasra had decided to be funny, and named the biggest fish 'tiger'.

Madhu watched the two people she loves the most in this world look back at her with identical pair of eyes. Anyone who looks at Sahasra's eyes carefully will realize that she was Shaurya's daughter. And if Shaurya had looked carefully, then he will realize without a doubt that Sahasra was his. But then she realized that he was smiling at her, and that meant he didn't realize. And she started relaxing and without realizing she started smiling.

Sahasra accusingly: "Mama, you are scared of dogs?"
Madhu looked at her in confusion, and when what she asked registered, she sharply turned and looked at Shaurya, and he had a cheeky smile on his face.
Sahasra: "You told me you are not scared of anything"
Madhu: "I am a little scared of dogs."
Sahasra: "But..."
Madhu: "Just a little that's all."
Sahasra looks at her for sometime, and then decides to forgive her for her lie.

Madhu puts her hands forward: "Come."
Sahasra looks at RK: "Bye...(she hits her head) uff i forgot your name."
RK smiles: "Rishabh"
Sahasra waves at him, right in front of his face: "Bye Rishabh Uncle"
She kisses him on his cheeks and goes towards Madhu. Madhu walks back into the cabin with Sahasra.

Madhu decided to finish of the work she was doing and then leave. So she starts working, while Sahasra just ran around the cabin. Few minutes later, RK comes there.
RK: "Madhu, you can leave."
Madhu: "Yeah okay. I just got a little more work to finish, then I will leave."
RK: "Oh! How much time will you take?"
Madhu: "Half an hour."
RK: "Okay, you do your work, I will wait."
Madhu: "You don't have to wait."
RK didn't say anything. He sat on a chair, and was watching Sahasra who was busy looking outside.

RK gets up and walk towards Sahasra.
RK: "I was wondering, if anyone had a little time for me, so they could have an ice-cream with me."
Sahasra runs towards him happily: "I have all the time for you."
RK laughs: "You are a little flirt, aren't you?"
Sahasra: "Flirt? What is a flirt?"
RK looks at Madhu and she was glaring at him.
RK turns back to Sahasra: "Forget that, whats your favorite ice cream?"
Sahasra smiles: "Strawberry"
RK excited: "Strawberry is my favorite ice-cream! Give me a five!"
RK raises his hand, but Sahasra looks at him in confusion.
RK: "Hit my hand."
Sahasra gives him a five and starts laughing.

RK looked at Madhu, and knew she was going to protest.
RK: "We will be back soon, 15 minutes max. It is just across the street."
Before Madhu could say anything, RK picks up Sahasra and walks out.

RK and Sahasra were both having ice-cream.
RK: "Did you like your ice cream, Sassy?"
Sahasra looks at him in confusion, then smiles: "My name is Sahasra."
RK smiles: "I know. But I will call you Sassy."
Sahasra: "Why?"
RK shrugs: "Because I like it."
Sahasra: "Then I will call you hmmm Rishu."
RK laughs: "Rishu? Why?"
Sahasra shrugs: "Because I like it."
RK: "Okay. So friends?"
RK puts his hand forward.
Sahasra catches his hand: "Okay (yawns) friends."

Madhu stared at the laptop screen and could not sit still thinking about Sahasra with Shaurya. What if Sahasra say something? And Shaurya realized that she was his? What if he discovered Sultan was her Jiju? If he find out will he take her away from me? As her mind was filled with so many questions turning off the laptop she headed for the door.

She walked into the ice-cream parlor across the road. She stood still unable to move as she took in the sight before her...

Shaurya was sitting there, with Sahasra on his lap with the biggest smile on his face... There was strawberry ice cream all over his shirt. Looked as if Sahasra had drifted off to sleep unaware of the unconditional love shown upon her by her father, as he slowly and carefully wiped off the ice-cream from her face with a tissue, then he took her hand and very slowly started cleaning her fingers too. Shaurya hadn't notice her standing there rooted to the ground, it didn't look like he was aware of anything happening around him. His entire attention was focused on the small child he was holding in his arms. She could see his face, he was not wearing his specs anymore (even though she had wondered why he started wearing specs, she never questioned, since doing so would mean that she still cared about him). Without his specs, she could see his eyes, and in his eyes she saw so much love for their daughter as she stood there, silently watching her daughter with her father, Shaurya bends down and lightly kissed their daughter on top of her head.

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