Part 30

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Madhu looks at RK angrily for asking such a thing. Love. Of all the people he was talking about love. He who had left her because he had thought he didn't love her anymore.

Pushing him away from her angrily she asks him "LOVE? What love are you talking about? When did you love me, Shaurya?"

RK felt as if she had slapped him.

"You never loved me!" Madhu angrily accuses him.

Having had enough of Madhu's bullshit he angrily asks her "If I didn't love you, why the hell do you think I still wear this?" shoving his hand inside his shirt angrily, he pulls out her mother's chain.

Madhu stood there numb as she stared at the locket securely clutched in his palm.

How does he have that chain? I have that chain, I saw it today morning also then how did he get it?

When RK noticed her deadpan look he asks her sarcastically "Never thought that I would keep this even after all that you did to me, right? Well that is the difference between you and me. I loved you with my heart and soul but you..." RK releases the chain from his hand carelessly and looks away in disgust.

RK turns to look at Sassy sleeping on the bed unaware of what was happening around her, he walks to her and slowly caress her lovingly then turning to Madhu with a determined expression he says "You played with my daughter and my life, Madhu and you kept us away from each other and now you will stay away from us. I'm taking my daughter." he picks up Sassy in his arms and was about to leave when he looked at Madhu for one last time, she was staring at the chain resting over his shirt. He was shocked with her behavior, he had thought she would fight him for their daughter but she didn't, and he no longer cared what she did.

He turned to leave when he stopped seeing the people at the door. There were a few people standing there and watching the spectacle behind Ishaan and Ranbir.

"What is this? What is happening here?" Sultan asked as he pushed the people away and walked into the room with Trishna carrying Adi behind him.

Seeing them enter, Ranbir and Ishaan quickly followed them in.

"I'm taking my daughter with me!" RK declared.

"What the hell?" Sultan asked angrily and tried to snatch Sassy away from RK, soon there was a tug of war between RK and Sultan for Sassy and when the doctors rushed in with the security guards and tried to throw RK out, Ishaan and Ranbir interfered and tried to take RK out.

In the end, Sultan with the help of the securities snatched Sassy away from RK. RK got even more violent seeing that and was about to pounce on Sultan when Ishaan and Ranbir pulled him out of the door along with two security guards.

"Leave me!" RK screamed out loudly and quickly Ranbir told Ishaan to leave him and turned to the guards and asked them to leave RK. When they kept looking at him apprehensively, Ranbir told Ishaan to sort them out while he pulled RK to the car.

"Ranbir, I said leave me!"

"Calm down, RK! What do you think you are doing?" Ranbir asked him angrily. "I told you not to come here at this time, but you..."

"THAT IS MY DAUGHTER!" RK screamed in anguish.

Seeing his pain, Ranbir tries to comfort him "I know, RK but this is not the way to do it."

"I can't lose her. I am going back to get her." RK declared and was about to go back in when Ranbir stopped him again.

"No, RK. If you do anything now, then you'll never get Sassy."

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