Chapter 24

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Kelly's P.O.V

The alarm goes off and I reluctantly get out of bed. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad I get to go see Luke, Sadie and Kate again but I don't want to leave the warm nest I made. I drag myself out, throwing on new jeans and a navy t-shirt of Adelaide's. I cram on a hat and wait outside. I'm getting the bus again but I'm applying for my driver's license so I will get a car soon. The bus pulls up and I get on, sitting down in a seat in the middle. Luke appears and immediately sits down beside me, throwing an arm around me. 'I missed you' He whispered in my ear and pecked my lips quickly. I smirked. 'Well we'll just have to change that won't we' I say and notice the bus has pulled up. I drag him with me to my lockers and smash my lips to his. He pauses for a moment, tense but he pulls me by my shoulders closer to him. He tugs on my lip and I open my mouth. His tongue slips in and explores my mouth. We made out until someone comes up and clears their throat. Patrick is looking at me with disappointment. I sigh. 'Can we talk in private?' He asks and I shake my head. 'Whatever you have to say, say it now' I say wearily. He shrugs. 'Fine, I can't believe this. I did the exact same thing he did but you forgave him and you're still angry at me. Lexi is crazy. She jumped me. It should never have happened. I'm so sorry but at the same time I still can't believe you'd choose him over me' He says and stops, breathless. I sigh again. 'Look Patrick. We are going around in circles. Yes I choose Luke. Yes he did the same thing you did. I'm happy with him though. I wasn't when I was with you. You never listened to what I said. If I was sad, you never cared. Luke has stuck by my side in ways you wouldn't understand. I know we only went on one date Patrick. Can't you see that I don't like you?. I love Luke. I choose Luke. Either be a good friend and support me or leave me the hell alone. The choice is yours' I say and I drag Luke away with me. I lie my back against the wall, breathing heavily. Luke pulls me into a hug. 'You Ok?' He whispered into my ear. I nod, clinging to him and thanking my lucky stars that I had my boyfriend by my side to support me. 

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