Chapter 25

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Kelly's P.O.V

The minute I got into school Sadie comes rushing up to me. 'There's a new boy starting our year. He's soooo hot. His name is Chase. He's our age and they're gonna ask someone to show him round. Hope they pick me' She sighs, dreamily. I just roll my eyes. I feel very awkward around strange people. Silences always come and I never know what to say. Just then the bell rings and Sadie grins at me before running away. I don't see her again until lunch and she's dragging the new guy with her. She grins at our table. (Our table consists of Sadie, Lucas, Kate , Toby, Riley, Jean, Chris and finally Luke and me, the tables in the lunch hall are huge). 'Everyone this is Chase, he's new' She sings to the table. We're each introduced in turn and I nod and smile at Chase. He stares at me for several minutes and it gets uncomfortable. Luke's arm slides round my waist and I smile to myself. The bell rings again and I get up and walk to class, trying to get through the day as fast as I possibly can.

Chase's P.O.V

Kelly is really pretty. I think I like her. I walk to Math with Sadie and I have to ask. 'So Sadie, you're Kelly's best friend yeah?' I ask and she nods, smiling slightly. 'Is she seeing anyone?' I ask. Sadie frowns but it vanishes and she smiles again. 'Yeah, she's dating Luke Green, the school jock. You met him at lunch' She says, unlocking her locker and getting her math books. I frown, damn. Too bad. I would have loved to ask her out. Ah well. Too bad. 'What about you, in any relationships?' She asks me and I freeze slightly. 'Uhh, yeah I was but she uhh. She's not here any more' I say and feel the beginning of tears in my eyes. 'What exactly do you mean?' She asks me. 'I mean, uhh she's not.... she's not living anymore' I say and a single tear drop rolls down my cheek. She gasps. 'I'm so sorry' She whispers, before crashing me up in a hug. I cling to her slightly, finally getting the comfort I've been needing. I better let you in on my past. It all started my first year of high school. It was new, fresh, exciting and scary. I was stumbling around in the corridors and trying to find my Ag. Science class when I stumbled into Maura. It was love at first sight. I know that sounds weird but I couldn't help it. She was beautiful. She had long red curls down to her waist and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. We started hanging out and soon we were dating. We were still going strong until a few years ago. Maura found out she had Leukemia. She didn't cry. She just carried on smiling, even when her hair started greying a little and her body grew limp. Even when her lovely hair had to be cut when she went to the hospice she didn't cry. It broke my heart into a million little pieces. God takes away the best people on the planet and I hate it. She died 3 days before Christmas. She just closed her eyes and they never opened again. Those beautiful blue eyes I never got to see again. I went to her funeral and I was the one who wrote the eulogy. It broke my heart even more talking about her when I knew she was gone. All my loved ones got taken away. Guess I'm gonna have to go even further into my past. When I was 11 my parents died when a man broke into my house and shot them. He was arrested and sent down for 20 years but that never took away the horrors of having your parents die before your eyes, never took away the nightmares that came into my head when I slept at night. I lived with several different foster families but I'd had enough and when I turned 18 I moved here. I never forgot my troubled past. It was easy to spill all this out to Sadie and I started to cry, letting all it out. All the hurt and anger and fear/ All the sadness. Most of all, all the loneliness. I cried into Sadie's shoulder and she rubbed my back, soothing me. I walked to class with my new friend and felt that for once I was not alone. 

Hi. Just saying again. To anyone out there that is feeling down, sad, worried, hurt, anything really. I am free to talk to. My door is always open. I have experienced issues in the past and I know how it feels to bottle it all up. So feel free to talk to me and get it all off your chest. Ofcourse all messages would be private and confidential. I know how it feels when you think you are alone and believe me, it's not the best feeling so feel free to chat to me. Not saying you have to but I'm just saying if you'd feel better than my door is always open. Love Y'all. Comment, Vote and Follow!.

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