chapter 3

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Laurence's POV

I stayed in the room while Drew and Matt cleaned her up, hardly taking my eyes off of her in case she waked up. Most of the blood and mud had been removed, except from her hair but Drew had said that he'd let her do it herself when she woke up and got a shower. They'd changed her into a pair of shorts and one of Drew's tops, throwing the ones that she had been wearing away. The cuts had stopped bleeding by this point and had been bandaged.

It was only when Drew shook my shoulder slightly that I realised I'd begun to fall asleep and I jumped, my eyes snapping open.

He gave a small smile, "She's not going to be awake for a few hours yet Laur, you should get some sleep until then."

I looked round at her seeing that she'd curled herself into a ball under the duvet and had pulled that tight around her as though her life depended on it. She did look like she was out for the count for a while still at least...

I shook my head, ignoring what I'd just been thinking, "I don't want her to wake up alone...not after everything she's been through."

Matt looked up from cleaning up the last of the bloody specks round the room and gave me a sympathetic smile, "She's not gonna be alone, okay? One of us will stay with her, but you need some sleep dude. She's still gonna be here when you wake up."

I started to protest but Drew cut me off, "No arguing - you're exhausted," he pointed to the door, raising his eyebrows at me and I knew that there was no good trying to say no to him. I took one last look at Hayley before standing up and shuffling out the room and upstairs. My feet suddenly felt a hundred times heavier and I hate to admit it but Drew was right - I was exhausted.

I shuffled into my room where Kier was sitting on the bed waiting. He looked up and gave a small smile at me, "Hey did good out there tonight y'know."

I sat down beside him, giving him a sleepy smile, "Yeah I guess...I'm just happy that Victor's gone and we managed to save someone for once."

"We didn't save anyone Laurence, it was you. All the credit for this hunt goes to you." he patted me on my back, "If you hadn't been there, the girl wouldn't be here."

"Hayley...her name's Hayley," I said quietly, rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn.

Kier chuckled, "Okay sleepy head - we all heard Drew telling you to go to sleep so that's what you've got to do now," he did his signature smirk and ruffled my hair, putting on a motherly voice, "It's bed time for the little hero."

"Oh bite me, Kemp," I stuck my tongue out at him and lay back on the bed.

"Nah, I'll leave that for the vampires," he poked my tongue with his finger and stood up, walking to the door, chuckling at his own bad joke. Just before he shut the door he looked back round, "Hey Laur, this girl - Hayley - have you seen her before? Like on any of the posters or heard of anyone looking for her?..."

I shook my head, "No...but then again we don't know how long she was gone for...some of the scars looked pretty old and some were new. Why do you ask?"

He didn't reply at first and sort of stood staring down the corridor as though he was deep in thought. When he did answer his voice sounded distant and far off, "No reason...I was just wondering if I should contact any family members or friends...get some sleep Laur..." and with that he shut the door and left me on my own.

"Night..." I mumbled in response, still looking to where he had just been standing. I ran a hand through my hair and sunk back into my pillow, thinking about the events of tonight and Hayley. Who was she really?

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