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*Hayley's POV*

Dear journal type thing,

Kinda thought it would be a good idea to do something like this - a way to express myself if I ever feel down or anything...get my emotions and feelings out and onto paper. It's been almost a year since I first met Laurence in the woods and been introduced to the guys, and in that year a lot had happened.

We've been attacked by vampires from all corners of Grandomania; some close friends have died; the Cardinal has kidnapped me and tortured me; we've killed the Cardinal; certain close friends had come back from the dead as vampires and then tried to kill us, and now we'd found out that there was a nest of werewolves somewhere in Grandomania. Oh, and Laurence led a rebellion into the vampire district and got the palace back. A place he grew up in, and on diving more into repressed memories, somewhere it seems that I've spent time too.

Things had really changed, and on the plus side I was no longer running around in either Drew's trousers or Laurence's shirts cause I was able to have some of my own clothes. Honestly some of the prettiest dresses I've ever seen as well.

It brought me back to times when I was little as more and more memories had been coming back to me with each passing day. And... well, some things I'd rather not mention again with what happened when I was younger. I can understand why I repressed some of those memories, and truthfully I wished I'd left them where they were: hidden and tucked away.

All of us were living in the palace and we each had our own space, but we still had the cottage for when we wanted to go back there - and as a little back up should anything happen and we need a quick get away. Kier and Laurence's idea more than anyone's. No one really complained or anything, we all just went along with it just in case.

I stopped writing and put the pen down, leaning back in my chair and surveying the scene before me. People running to and from rooms with baskets of food and clothing, children now free to skip in the court yard without the fear that they might be snatched from under their parents grasps and I couldn't help but smile at this. It was a perfect scene and I honestly wouldn't want things any other way than they were the now.

I brushed the dress I was wearing down, wiping bits of imaginary dust away. This had been the first dress Laurence bought me when we came here; purple with silver embroidery round the hems and sleeves with a small broach pin of a dragon. It was my favourite, but at the same time it made me feel a bit weird cause I wasn't used to wearing dresses, or looking at all pretty...but I guess I'd have to get used to it in some kind of way.

"Hayley?" I turned to see Cyrus standing there, a small smile on his face. I hadn't seen him for a couple of days with him and Drew away trying to track the werewolves and I couldn't be more relieved to see him. I jumped up from the small desk and practically jumped into a hug with him.

He chuckled quietly and hugged me back tightly, "Missed you too." I didn't say anything and did my normal thing of burying my head into his chest and gripping onto the back of his shirt in the hug.

"Did you find them?" Kier's voice came from the door. I broke away to look at Kier, who was looking a whole lot better each day, near enough all the guys were now that they weren't always stressing about things and knew that they'd be relatively safe here. Most of the colour in Kier's cheeks had returned too so now he didn't look as deathly pale as he once did. I smiled a little at him, earning a wide one from him.

Cyrus turned and nodded at him, "Yeah, they've moved their nest closer to the palace now but to where we're not too sure. If we'd wanted to get closer it would have alerted them and they would have made some kind of move."

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